I: Nian lie, need you by my side (1:


Ning Qing's face burned as she looked at his triumphant smile.

Her legs were spread open and facing him. Sitting on his lap, he was like carrying a child and did not allow her to get off.

Ning Qing was embarrassed and annoyed. She held his shoulder and tried to get up. let me go. Someone's looking at Yingluo.

"There's no one."

Ning Qing looked at the entrance of the courtyard. As expected, the two servants who had been standing guard there were nowhere to be seen.


He had long planned this.

Ning Qing's face burned even hotter. She patted his shoulder lightly. you Rascal.

Nian lie's skin was thick. He held her tightly, his warm breath blowing on her face.

I just want to sit properly and listen to Mrs. Nian's teachings.

"I don't understand what you're saying." Ning Qing's face turned red.

Nian lie's arms exerted force and pressed down on her waist, bringing her closer to him.