It's time for you to look for her (1:

Ning Qing bit her lip. I'm not that childish!

Nian lie indulged her and wiped her tears away with his fingers. yes, you're not childish. After all, you're already the mother of my child.

At the mention of children, ning Qing placed her hand on her flat stomach. Her expression was one of surprise and disbelief. Nian lie, I'm so happy. all her words were condensed into one sentence.

She did not expect that after all that she had gone through, her weak body could still give birth to a new life.

"I thought there was no hope, but he still came." She looked at Nian lie sentimentally. do you think he came back to us because he knows that we're sad and doesn't want us to have any more regrets? "

Nian lie caressed her long hair. whether or not she is, I will definitely cherish this child.

Ning Qing smiled and leaned into his arms.

They cuddled together for a long time. let's go home, " Nian Jing said. mom and dad are worried.