Can't get through the labor (1:

Ning Qing returned to Qing Yuan, still in shock. As soon as she entered, Nian lie welcomed her.

Her face was pale and her stomach was in pain.

"What's wrong? are you feeling unwell?" Nian lie asked with concern.

Ning Qing was afraid that he would be worried, but she also thought that she might have been frightened, so she felt uncomfortable. She only shook her head.

Nian lie pulled her into his arms, thinking that she was unhappy. didn't you go shopping? " Why do you still look unhappy, hmm?"

Ning Qing hugged him tightly. I'm not feeling well.

Nian lie's eyes darkened. what happened? tell me, ah ning.

Ning Qing wanted to say something, but her hands and feet began to go numb. Her words of comfort turned into a cry of pain.

The group was shocked.

Ning Qing clutched her stomach and fell. Her stomach was in excruciating pain. the child ... The child ran ran.

Nian lie hugged her tightly and shouted,"call the doctor!" Hurry up!"