The second time: was alone with him (1:

Father ning walked down the stairs. As soon as he stepped out of the door, he felt a gust of wind.

When he took a closer look, it was ning Qing!

Ning Qing didn't know why she was so anxious. By the time she reacted, she had already hugged the man's body and anxiously patted his face. hey, what's wrong? " You!!!"

The unusual temperature on the man's face shocked her.

"Do you have a fever?"

He still came here with a fever, did he not want to live?

Ning Qing's heart was trembling now, and she didn't know what to do.

"Qingqing, what's wrong with Zhenzhen?"

Father ning's voice came from behind.

Ning Qing felt like she had met her Savior. father, please help him. He's having a fever! He's fainted from the fever!"

Father ning put on a serious face and tested the temperature on Nian lie's forehead. It was indeed ridiculously high.

He thought for a moment and bent down. come, help him up and put him on my back.