Sleeping in the same bed (1:


Nian lie swallowed silently, looked away in embarrassment, and escaped into the bathroom.

Ning Qing had no idea. After drying her hair, she lay down on one side of the bed.

The bed wasn't as big as the one she used to have. After she slept on it, there was enough space for Nian lie to sit beside her.

She suddenly regretted keeping him, but there was no room for regret.

Forget it.

She turned off the ceiling light, habitually left a table lamp on, and lay down.

He was quite tired today, and he soon felt sleepy.

She fell asleep within a few minutes.


When Nian lie came out, the woman had already fallen asleep.

He looked at the lamp that left light on him, and his heart softened.

He walked quietly to the bed and saw the seat she had left for him. He couldn't help but feel sad and amused.


Finally, he wiped his slightly wet short hair, sighed, and lifted the quilt to get on the bed.