Jump down on your own _1


"You chose to save your adoptive parents."

Ning Qing's breathing was rapid, and her eyes were full of oppression.

I will save them all. I won't let your scheme succeed!

The other party sneered slyly. I hope you can always be so confident!


Before he hung up, a curse-like sentence came through the receiver.

ning Qing, you have to remember that you are the one who caused Lou SI's death!

"Du du du ..."

"Hello? Hey!"

Ning Qing shouted twice, but only the beeping sound responded.

As she repeated the words in her mind, the panic in her heart grew.

She patted the back seat of the driver's seat. quick! Hurry up!"

With shaking hands, she was about to call Nian lie to make sure ning su was safe.

The next second, a video was sent over.

The abandoned building was surrounded by concrete walls. There was no guardrail on the side facing the outside, and below it was an abandoned land overgrown with weeds.