: can't bear it anymore, I don't need to bear it anymore _1

The doctor felt as if he had been granted Amnesty, and he turned around and ran away.

Ning Qing looked at the woman on the bed who was happy and content. She thought about the words that Nian lie had told her to endure and felt conflicted.

"You've recovered, stop acting pitiful," she said.

Lou qingyue lifted her eyes. I said that I'm not feeling well. Are you deaf? "

Ning Qing took a step forward and grabbed her arm.

"Ning Qing, what are you doing?!"

Without a word, ning Qing pulled her down from the bed.

there's a limit to my patience with you. Don't think that you can do whatever you want here just because you know where my child is!

Lou qingyue wanted to get rid of her, but she didn't know if it was because she had been lying down for too long or if there was something wrong with her body. She actually couldn't use much strength!

Ning Qing looked at her anxious look and smiled. what's wrong? are you really seriously ill? "