Let's go together (1:

Mo Han's tears came out again. daddy, Wanwan.

"Drip, drip."

The warm liquid fell on his cheeks and the corner of his eyes.

Mo Han blinked and finally saw the blood on Nian lie's shoulder.


One of Nian lie's hands was about to be crippled. He rammed head-on into the gun and it hit him in the left chest.

He felt an intense pain in his heart. His vision was sometimes clear and sometimes blurry.

"Dad, dad! What's wrong with you?"

"Dad! Is it very painful? you've lost a lot of blood."

don't move, " Nian lie said, enduring the pain.

Mo Han was about to cry. He shook his head. you're hurt, Hanhan.

Nian lie didn't say a word. His right hand clutched his wrist tightly, and his numb left hand acted as a support, trying to pull him up.

However, the moment he moved, more blood gushed up.

The smell of blood Rose up in his throat. He couldn't help but spit out a mouthful of blood.

Mo Han cried out,"no!" No, please Don't Save Me!"