Nian lie, you are my hero (1:

The next day, at the capital's first hospital.

After a day and a night of emergency treatment, Nian lie's life was finally saved.

Madam, Sir has lost too much blood. The bullet just brushed past his heart, and there was only a five-millimeter difference. During this period of insufficient blood supply, he still used brute force to forcefully mobilize his body's strength, causing his brain to lack oxygen. I'm afraid he will remain unconscious in the future.

Ning Qing's vision turned dark, and Mo Han held her in time.

After she steadied herself, she immediately asked,"but when I saw him, he was still awake. He wasn't unconscious, so how could he be in a daze?"

Why was he unconscious again?

She had experienced it, her sister had experienced it, and now it was Nian lie and Xuxu's turn.

Mo Han was also anxious. my father was awake after being shot. He didn't faint. Could you have made a mistake? "