January 5, 2022 dl..

In the middle of Palawan waters, far south of the turquoise seas, stand an island paradise called Black Island. A tower of deep gray amberish limestone boulder and cliffs surrounded by sparkling milky powdered sand caressed by the ever changing ebb and rising tides of the sea on its coral reefed shoreline.

Nestled on its center is a grayish black foot of the mountain cave housing a built in crystal clear pool of fresh water. Deep down under is underground water channel, that caved-in revealing the tunnel like epicenter of another world, for the silver – gold haired Werewolf whose howlings could be heard , a startling sound of a falsetto wolf whine…. Only on moonlit nights in consonance with the wind howls and slams of waves on its shimmering shores.

The island is far flung from its nearest island town, it has become a nocturnal passing echoes of fisher folks and nearby islanders, causing the island to be deserted at night time. A reverse scene at daytime when beach lover's bathe on its shores, sans the exploration of its underground water and the oblivious presence of the King Werewolf.

It has remained that way for years, that the Werewolf King became a legend and a surreal phantom waiting each moonlit night, to renew his immortality by preying in on any cold blooded living animal or human, sucking its blood for renewed immortality by transforming into a humanoid of appealing physical form and charm. That once in every decade the King werewolf must sire for a one werewolf for a decade and cycle of longevity and shall banish leaving behind his heir king werewolf for the same black Island, since the same island came to being from a volcanic birth. The werewolf king is the offspring from the depths of the abyss casted immortals from the heavens.

The werewolf king like any man, though immortal has the privilege of freewill. And in a sense has the chances of becoming good or evil but by course of faith was borne from the castaways from heavens with privilege of freewill though a prisoner of the cursed for the down casted. Their master an evil cast away must maintain its servitude from a high master who could make them disintegrate and be exterminated. Thus the King werewolf's predicament for his own existence is to maintain the heirarchy for his own existence.

Zorhan can manage to be physically human, every new moon up to end of every first quarter , but shall become a full grown werewolf every full moon until the last quarter with a streak to drink blood to complete his transformation and to become an attractive physical humanoid again from new moon into the first quarter.

This routine continued until one day….while transformed into a normal human being, having able to swim and glide effortlessly into the sea unto another far flung island in the Palawan archipelago, he came to saw a young barrio lass swimming along her nearby shore by the house where she lives. He landed on foot on the island bringing along with him the clothes of a human and appeared to be a stranger lost from another faraway barrio and introduced himself as a normal lost guy, looking for his way out to his destination.

For today's technology and advance capability Zorhan is not deprived of acquiring the benefits of science, a privilege from his masters to be relevant with the times. Thereafter, the love at first sight. However, the barrio lass, Halina, a stunningly naïve but a normally taken girl for another man turned to be smitten by Zorhan.. therefore another extraordinary love affair ensues. Zorhan thoroughly smitten by the naïve and straight forward charm of the barrio lass, Halina, oozing with hormonal surge has no way for Zorhan also ever ready for his legacy of his species and explicit physical desires, and no time wasted to compliment each others attraction. Neither the moon or stars or the midday sun along the islands waves could alter their tryst. Soon after nine full moons, the son of the Zorhan , the werewolf king shall be born and Zorhan's legacy shall continue.

However, though a servant of the Lord of the Abyss, the freewill privilege of all divine creations is ever present to Zorhan. The choice for one's freewill is ever present in Zorhan's being, given the preset predicament a subject of the Lord of the abyss, he still is the master of his freewill and choices that Zorhan has fully understood the effect of choices he may undertake in the future. His master has mustered to effect his will but never read the mind of his subject Zorhan.

Zorhan is capable of human faculties, and emotion, however deeply rooted in his knowledge is the legacy of his parent's being the offspring of the downtrodden from the heavens, and that no amount of resistance were they previleged to have, but to be subservient to the will of the Lord of Abyss. Even the Lord of the Abbys has the freewill to choose good or evil but still evil prevailed.

However as tryst between Zorhan and Halina, come into a full blown romance, of hauntingly sensual copulation witnessed by the crescendo of waves splashes into the coral coated and salty smell of the seabed… and the egrets by the nearby shoal basking by the shorelines. It was somehow always an interlude of quiet peace.


It is in the honest naivety and simple honesty of Halina, that Zorhan was slowly taken aback to fall in love and think over his present predicament and his calling that of the heir and assignment to carry out the mission bestowed upon him by the Lord of the Abyss. Zorhan began to rethink the possibilities of his being free from bondage caused by the legacy of the Lord of the Abyss.

His encounters with Halina, came to a point of knowing and understanding of the beliefs and culture of Halina's roots as a human being. Zorhan came to know her mindset and beliefs this time of Halina's education and faith. Halina as days passed into months and thereafter bearing with her the seed of Zorhan. As her womb began to show Zorhan's seed grow, Halina unintentionally uncovered the normal freewill Zorhan is capable of possessing, though his deep rooted submission for the task given to him by the Lord of the Abyss, kept him from being swayed by his animalistic hormonal surge.

Zorhan as his day to day encounter with Halina now having time spent in the Black Island rendezvous, slowly but surely has begun to question his capability as a unique humanoid with freewill and capable of choices and actions through his own mindset. His human instinct and logic has kept him to think and intuitively discern his being. Questions keep popping up in his mind, what if, I would become a normal person, what if I defy my mission as defined by the Lord of the Abyss. What if we both stayed together with my love. Would I be as normal as any other human if I chose to turn away from this dark side of my being….For sure I will become mortal and mortals die…. What shall I be?.....These thoughts kept Zorhan more discerning and on his toes to discover what possibilities could be open for his eventual choice to be free or indefinitely in servitude of the Lord of the Abyss. He thought he must act on his questions when the time for him to discern and use his freewill would satisfy his being when the right time is at hand.

Months passed and the day has come to watch his baby in Halina, has finally saw the dawn of a new beginning. Now Zorhan is the father of a begotten humanoid son, Zonjo, still not in control of the Lord of the Abyss but on his own control to bring up his own legacy or not. Now it is still all on his choice and discernment however time shall take its toll for Zorhan, to finally make a choice for him his growing baby, and Halina, in short his family now is at stake within his grasp.


It is again full moon and again he will hunt for an animal substitute for human blood, he has learned to choose any mortal, mammal, a cow or wild chicken or any blood even from a canine or goat from some nearby island…and return with renewed vigor at his black island fortress. Such is the vicious cycle that his regular encounter with Halina and his growing werewolf baby has developed within himself the bond of love and fondness to his family. A feeling of security for his woman and child, and question for himself why the notoriety that once was his as a werewolf tamed him to care in a humane way for his family.

Now he has all the time to rethink and discern , what will happen to Halina and his kid, both could be normal mortal if given a chance rather than suffer the dark side of living to become the wards of the Lord of the Abyss. The agony of hiding and slipping from the normal mortal's life of choices, freewill and discernment.

Zorhan learned from Halina the beauty of all human nature and needs. That in being human , mortal has the freedom of Choices, actions and freewill, co terminus with their mortality. Zorhan came to realize after all that being someone, somewhat immortal, but have to embrace the dark side of the world of the down casted, he still could defy the will of the darkness of the Lord of the Abyss, that of following his choice to be on the right side of living. Though it is sad to admit that backing off from the will of the Lord of the Abyss, will mean his end as a humanoid but shall suffer the life of a down casted, lie Halina and so his son, who by his own freewill could become one with him and his mother Halina. To enjoy and suffer the consequences of mortality as a final choice. This his son, shall make a final choice when he will be able to act on his choices just like any human would grow up from child to maturity.

It is one true reality that all creatures good or evil are creatures of God, However, there is but one privilege all were bestowed with, that of possessing the freewill to discern, and eventually choose and act on it. This even Satan has but its all to one's capacity which to choose and become but still there is the chance of for everyone to repent and heal by total turning their backs from evil ways.

The evil in his freewill continue to defy the magnanimity of his creator believing that immortality shall not be removed from him however, it is told and has happened the immortal Adam and Eve was once but now all mortals had suffered the consequences. Mortals grow old and die. So with the devil whose time shall be on the day of his Creator's reckoning, only on his own time.


Zorhan on his own is not different from any free-willed creatures of God only now that he was in the side of darkness, but just the same any one can make choices in the end for self-preservation. He may make a choice that of turning his back from darkness and choose to be with his family and live the life of a mortal man by renouncing his commitment to the Lord of the Abyss. Came full moon after full moon and Zorhan assumed two lives a beast and human and soon time has taken its toll on the lover's. Soon Zorhan has to decide ultimately on what comes next as the love of his life has entered middle age…. And the child in his teens. It was day to day domesticity for the Zorhan family, but soon, Halina came to learn on the truth of his love, Zorhan, having dual characters she had to hold on to know slowly , and through Zorhan's discernment has to confess and admit to her Halina his true faculties. His dark side and his vulnerability as a creature of God, but has fallen wayward in the palms of the devil's reign.

Halina on the other hand the heart and soul of a human mortal, capable of embracing the truth and be blinded by her overwhelming love struck for Zorhan. She adored Zorhan more than anyone else, more so spiced up by the wispy, exuberance of their husky son, Zojo who with her momma, developed a bond as deed as deep as the blue sea, limitless as the blue skies …the kind of ties that would bond so deep given their full and free time to hold.

Slowly and surely the time has come for Zorhan to choose, his task, a humanoid king werewolf of the Lord of the Abyss or a good diligent father and husband to his mortal family. Slowly now he questioned himself the present way of life he has, too different from the mortals he has associated with. It occurred to him , why the Lord of the Abyss, cannot by his own terms, live the way nortals does. Why could he not be as happy and as socially interactive the Lord of the Abyss and his wards like,him. That humanoids like him could be as normal as his love Halina.

Halina on the other hand has at all times in their confines has slowy cleared and opened the heart and mind of Zorhan, that Zorhan could be capable of loving and hate, his freewill is not beholden to anyone but slowly learned to trust himself and that he is capable of choice or evil or good just like any human and mortal on earth, the same with his Lord of the Abyss who himself as God's Creature is capable of choices for himself pride just like any negativity may influence any one. Having casted down from heaven together with his Lord of the Abyss, and immortals at that, Zorhan has for himself to decide his fate. He could use his freewill as any being, and that his life he now realized is only in the mercy of the Lord of the Abyss, but to the most high, his Creator, therefore could have a remorse , and could also make a choice for himself to defy evil or embrace the good.


Soon when Zorhan will decide once and for all that he can shed off to a new life at his own behest, let alone the consequences for his actions. Slowly days past into months and years of earthly living …Time and again Zorhan's love for Halina and Halina's unwavering response came to sizzle far more than ever… Zorhan has unfolded all his secrets to Halina who could not care less. For the world evolved only to her son and her unwavering love for Zorhan…

And so the time has come for the werewolf king to decide. He made a communion with Halina and pondered with her, his final move. His decision is to make his way to his love Halina and his son Zojo. He made a last effort to instruct Halina, to go away off the Island so as not be taken aback from the wrath of the Lord of the Abyss. However, it is from Halina's own intuition, that the only way to repel evil, is to simply, be fearless and steadfast and goodhearted, to simple desist from all its temptation and man's hollow vulnerabilities, shall a mortal be able to resist and that would be a sure way to triumph from the Lord of the Abyss and its allies, simply his love Zorhan is now not a part of the Lord of the Abyss. His freewill and discernment has made him realize that he still has a chance to be reunited with his love ones and be remorseful man of his Almighty Creator in due time after he will be free from the bondage of the Lord of the Abyss.

Now on his own freewill he, now has discerned that to be of bondage, you must submit, and now he clearly realized that it is only through him and his understanding of fear that one and only can free himself, to know the truth of his being and accept one's weaknesses and surrender to the Creator, that only He the Almighty, could redirect his life thru his will. He thought now that the only hindrance to becoming a slave of darkness is for one to totally submit one's freewill. To be free is to make a choice out of understanding not fear. He now understand had fears, that only he could suppress and change to simple be free. And this the evil will be cast out for neither the evil nor the fear could hold a freewilled beings created by God. The privileged of this God given freewill, frees or chains one's being and this Zorhan has eventually realized.

And so it came to pass, that Zorhan, derailed the tasks he has known to undertake. The Lord of the Abyss, on his own self-imposed but limited powers of the underworld, came over to sow fear and hate to Zorhan's mind. However, as immortal as the Lord of the Abyss, nothing could effect Zorhan. He has also the mysticism that the Lord of the Abyss has, and that now, he realized that it is the power of the Freewill of anyone that could alter the mindset of anyone. He now fully understand that to battle against evil is to be simply, a choice for righteousness. A doze of evil means needs a doze of goodness and truth. He now knew that down casts as his known evil master has no power to destroy him , but only the creature has the eminence to cast away evil and eventually terminate an evil spell.


And so the battle of the down trodden has come, no amount of evil power could eliminate Zorhan for he is also God's creator, and the Creator in all his eminence, could render an end to Zorhan's betrayal of the evil spells or to the Lord of the Abyss or the devil himself in due time. Zorhan remained steadfast all the way as the Lord of the Abyss threatened to demolish Zorhan by intimidation, not knowing that Zorhan is steadfast that he has the power for himself to repeal the Lord of the Abyss by clinging to his steadfast resolve to return to the folds of the Creature. This is his final resolve and choice to have a remorse back to the Creator.

The agony of facing the evil spells of the Lord of the Abyss began, day in and night his intimidation in always humanly unbearable, Zorhan steadfastly repealed the spells thrown to him. His secret his resolved belief to the Creators intervention thru his own freewill. He has learned remorse in its entirety and held his integrity to desist the temptation of succumbing to the Lord of the Abbys. At this point his own immortality could bear all the wrath of the Lord of the Abyss but ultimately, Zorhan stood still and let every blow by blow mental intimidation of the Lord of the Abyss come to pass .

Time almost stood still for Zorhan to suffer the mental torture the Lord of the Abyss could muster, until Zorhan learned to seek the intervention of his Creator, not knowing that his silence and resilience had steadily dissipated the mental warfare the Lord of the Abyss applied to Zorhan.. and so it came to pass the Lord of the Abyss from a regular attacked against the King Werewolf , then it became intermittent to phantom and mind boggling manifestations until at last his total solitary of silence and calm….

Sooner as he gazed out to seas and the whole Black Island Kingdom of his, he finally mastered the entry on his subconscious the evil mind. Confident that his immortality as the Lord of the Abyss he, could totally eliminate the interference and thoughts of the Lord of the Abyss, to which now he totally turned his back from and embraced the divine province of the Creator as a result of his renunciation of the evil ways. He came to realize that all could change for the better if one only embrace the truth, of having only one servitude and Lord. He knew then that his life depended on his Creator, and He alone can render judgment to any he pleases as thy will be done. Al things are on Creator mercy, the evil included. At last he came to realize how infinite the Creator is and things and his creations are all in his judgment on the Creators own time only He knows.


And so one day Zorhan was able to live again with his family in a manner humane and normal. He knows not when his immorality would come to pass, he has learned to live on his own freewill and choices notwithstanding his being a humanoid. He no understand that one could become a prisoner of his choices and freewill. He now come to realize that Evil thought could become a reality if one submits and could be a test of strength or weakness if one repels in own terms. But he has mustered to stick it out for the truth and righteousness as one's choice could make an impossible belief into freedom. This is now what he is made of. A privileged individual thru his respect of his own freewill and choices. The Creator is infinitely ever present with his magnificence and wisdom.

And so, the time has come for the King werewolf to abdicate his persona as the King werewolf, by simply doing his own choice to become a Creator's believer in thought and in deed. No room for thought of the evil ways…. as simple as a normal God's creature. He alone on his freewill could untangle him from the bondage of the Lord of the Abyss, and the evil…and be free by the grace of the Creator. Respect matters. – End-.

victorcruz /December 6, 2021-coron,palawan