Chapter 167: Separation

Chen Zhong coughed, his face unnaturally pale. It had been like this for the past few years, up and down.

"Grandpa, take your medicine," Tang Yuxin placed the medicine in front of Chen Zhong. Yet, her expression was somewhat sad. She knew that Chen Zhong was ill, and it was serious. Neither Western medicine nor traditional Chinese medicine could cure his condition. It was simply the natural aging process, but Chen Zhong was aging faster than most.

As for the reason, it could have been some trauma he experienced when he was young, or a hidden illness he had for all his life. It wasn't easy for him to have lasted until now.

Tang Yuxin was a doctor, and a pretty good internist at that. However, she discovered the illness too late, and Chen Zhong was good at hiding it, so it was irreversible by the time Tang Yuxin found out about his condition.

And there was no cure for his illness.

Neither Western nor Chinese medicine could help a man already in the twilight of his life.