Chapter 529: Kind Heart

The train was still moving forward, and Tang Yuxin was still seated cross-legged on her own luggage, flipping through the book and passing the time.

However, just as half an hour had passed, the train's announcement system suddenly buzzed into action again.

It turned out that the train ahead had some issues, necessitating their train to halt at the next station.

Just halt.

For how long?

Tang Yuxin held her head in her hands; somewhat frustrated. She had traveled by train for so many years, yet this was her first time encountering a hold-up.

And once stopped, how long before they could continue?

One hour, two hours, or even longer?

She honestly couldn't afford to wait. Every day wasted meant a day less at home.

But regardless of her willingness, or that of the other passengers, the train eventually ended up stopping at the station up ahead.

Most of the passengers stayed onboard, probably hoping that the train would start moving again soon.