Chapter 784: The Old Man Has Righteous Views

Her words were heavy and straightforward, and of course, when it came to persuading others, she actually couldn't, she only knew how to sting people, the kind that stings to death.

Well, who hasn't lost love before? Only those who have lost love know what true love is.

Perhaps some really haven't experienced a lost love, maybe their lives have been smooth sailing all along, but how many people like that are there in this world?

Tang Yuxin walked out, leaving Chen Lidong alone inside. He was a smart man, and he could still figure things out. Fortunately, when he proposed, he knew to pick a secluded spot, so he wouldn't lose too much face. Had he really done it in front of a crowd, he would have lost all his dignity.

When Tang Yuxin stepped through the door, she saw Wang Zitan sitting on a chair, amusing his son.

She walked over and pinched the child's little face, "Is it time for his vaccinations?"

"Yeah, in three days."