Tell me What Happened

The little girl opened her tiny adorable dark blue orbs which she got from her father, smiling widely as Daniel carried her gently in his arms asking "Your dad wants to see you, princess."

Then he headed to Nick's room, knocking on the door.

After some seconds, he heard Nick's voice, allowing him to enter inside the room.

It sounded like music to his ear.

He entered the room immediately which is where he found Nick laying down on the bed and staring at the ceiling silently.

Daniel smiled, calling out his name in order to get his attention.

As soon as Nick saw the little girl in Daniel's arms his eyes started to get glossy with tears as he whispered in disbelief "Mira?"

The boss grinned, gently nodding to the other male who quickly got up, taking his daughter in his arms kissing her cheeks, forehead, lips and eyes, then he hugged her tightly to his chest.