Han's Anger

Han walked out of the underground and saw the benefactor trying to drive away on his own. All the benefactor's men were either dead or had run away and he had to drive by himself for the first time in a long while. Tao Long and the other twenty men all saluted him once he reached them.

He threw the dealer's body down to the ground and told Tao Long to start the car.

"Boss? What are you going to do to her?"

"I'm going to crush her skull till it blows up, what did you expect?"


Han narrowed his eyes at Tao Long. What was the problem with him? Did he think Han would just let a traitor go? Especially if that tractor was his own lapdog!! Han was about to shout at Tao Long again but then his eyes trailed towards the side and the two large dogs chained to a car. They were barking ferociously with spit flying everywhere and Han thought they looked more like rabid wolves than dogs.

"What are those? Who brought them here?"