Hello XP!!

Well, that was a quick change of pace. Han stepped back quickly as Martha tried to tackle him before he kicked her right into the wall of the room. She dropped to the ground and slumped. Han looked towards the cardinal and saw him holding his throat in pain.

"You will not get the truth out of me now. If it is according to the word of the lord then it is only by killing me that you can go back! But I will not fall for you twice, Han. My blood shall continue to haunt you even in time immemorial!"

Han could hear a great rumbling echoing across the entire church. The sound was getting closer and closer and Han began to also hear shouts and screams of people. So there was a crowd converging on him?

Well, it didn't matter right now. Han grabbed Regulus again and held him up by his neck. The man began to choke and his legs began to swing but he refused to do anything to retaliate.

"You would die just so you can complete your nonsense gospel? Is this how far your mind has fallen?"