Back To City A... Again.

Once Marie saw Han she immediately called to him! She couldn't stand up because her behind hurt! Her ass has never been spanked before and it was embarrassing that it was a child that did it!

"Please stop your daughter!!"

Han tilted his head to one side. Huh? What in the world did Yue do while I was away!?

Han quickly walked out of the office and his eyes widened when he saw Yue holding a boy outside the window by his leg!! What the hell are you doing, Yue!? We're on the third floor! If you're gonna kill him, you need to be more subtle about it!

"Ah... Father. You're done already?"

"Please!! Please let me go!!! I'm sorry!!!"

The boy was bawling his eyes out and Han could see that Yue had no intention of bringing him inside. Han sighed. He didn't know what happened here, but he didn't want Yue to get into trouble because of it. And besides, that boy would probably die from shock soon.

"Bring him inside, Yue"

"But father -"