Planning? What's That?

Cipher was getting things ready for his men to move out as he used his earpiece to communicate with the group of men he sent after Rina Luo.

[We have the location boss, we're on our way out]

"Don't mess this up or else I'll have your head. My father wants this girl alive so make sure you don't do anything stupid to her. Do you understand?"

[Yes, boss]

The men that left to grab Rina were four in number. Cipher didn't think he would be needing more than that to handle a single girl. He kept listening as he heard their car stop and two men got down from the vehicle. 

The men were dressed like civilians so they wouldn't be suspected by the residents. But if they seemed too suspicious then things would be ruined. Only two men would go in first and then the other two would follow after they made sure there was no one watching on the road.