The Problem With Fen Ren.

"Shut up and listen to me for once! You always do this! This is the exact reason why -!"

"Why what! The reason why you abused me!?"

Fen Ren gritted his teeth and looked away from Miss Kim shamefully as she rose her hands to show him the bruises that still lingered from the one time he held her too tightly. It wasn't his fault! They were just having a difficult time and he became too angry when she kept on talking about that Han Luo! Why would she talk about him!? Was he the one she was engaged to!?

"Kim. I'm sorry about that..."

Fen Ren tried to touch Miss Kim, but she pushed his hand away in anger. He was always apologizing and she was always forgiving him, but she couldn't do that anymore! This man had anger issues that were going to get her killed. It wasn't like he hit her all the time it was only that one time when he bruised her wrist that he touched her.