The Greatest Weapon?

Han could see the vision of the wolves he sent out looking from door to door as well. He was using his Almighty Overseer to check every door that the wolves passed to make sure they were still going in the right direction. It was a lot of load for his brain alone to carry since he was looking at eleven views at once, but it was worth it for what he wanted to get!

The weapon that Yuuma told him about was supposed to be able to help anybody on this beginning floor become one of the best if it was used properly. The reason the Celestial hid it so well was because it wasn't something they just wanted anyone to find. According to her, the Celestial who made the weapon wanted someone righteous or some shit like that to find it. Han almost laughed at that! What bullshit! He was going to destroy every trap they put and grab it like a thief! Fuck righteousness!