The Cyclops Settlement

So that meant that the reason why most of the lower floors don't have any of the stones is because these two idiots still haven't decided who would control the floor yet! The fighting didn't look like it would be cheap, so it was obvious that any stones gotten now would be sold for extremely high prices to cover the cost of the war! They were basically warmongers. Idiotic warmongers, yes, but still warmongers nonetheless.

The next thing that Fey suggested was to check out the other side of the floor to see if they cannot find any traces of the Alcatraz guild there. She was not too worried about her father, but there were many children and vulnerable people in the two warring settlements. They might have agreed to fight each other, but they did not all have powers like Fey and Ragnar. Some of them are simple people who did not have systems, so they did not stand a chance against the Alcatraz guild.