Ice Queen

"I just want those two girls behind you. If you attack me then just know that I won't let you go easily for being a fool"

The man said this as a warning while he drew his sword, but he was shocked when Lily's expression didn't change. Was she planning to fight him? He narrowed his eyes at her and waited to see what she would do.

Lily couldn't believe that someone like this was the one who came. She could see that this man was not weak at all. He was probably stronger than her right now. But Lily went up against Han himself. If she was able to survive against someone like Han, then this man would not be the one to take her down.

The man here was far stronger than the ones downstairs, but that wasn't going to stop Lily from trying to kick his ass.

"It's going to get cold so make sure you don't freeze to death. I don't know if I can hold myself back against someone like him"