Laws Of Respect

Freya was completely shocked and she took a step back immediately! What!? Why is he talking about this all of a sudden!? She cannot sign that with him!

"Are you mad? Did you not read the agreement between all the kings!? None of us are allowed to force any other king into the contract of submission! Even if you want me to sign it, I have every right to refuse!"


That was the sound of Han grabbing Freya by the neck and slamming her against the wall! She had a look of fury on her face as she stared right into Han's red eyes. She would not cower like some weak woman! If you want to kill me then kill me! I won't sign that contract!

"Do you think I'm giving you a choice, bitch. You either sign that contract or..."

Knock! Knock! Knock!

Han turned towards the door when they heard someone knocking. Han sighed as he glared at Freya for a moment before releasing her. It would be too much work to make her break now. I'll have to wait a bit longer.