A Little More Intensity (+18)

Han took a small breath as he brought Rin to his chest and hugged her. Once he hugged her she immediately began to cry with more intensity. Han realized that he really messed up this time. During all that time spent up there, Han never knew that the girls were this worried. He knew they would want to know what he was doing but even if they know what he is doing that will not remove the worry they will be feeling!

Han couldn't promise her that he wouldn't get hurt. That would be a lie. So Han just held her as she cried. Before long Han felt Rin calm down and she pulled back again. He finally smiled down at her and she blushed as she felt him wiping her eyes with his thumbs.

"When do my wife become such a worrywart. Didn't I tell you already, Rin? I'll come back to you. No matter how long it takes and no matter how far I go. If you all are there waiting for me at the end of it all then I'll make sure I come back to you. Please, just trust me,"