The Monsters You Made

Gregory searched across the entire floor and he made sure that the man was nowhere to be found before he went back to the restaurant and told Han that the man was gone. Once Han heard this, he immediately started to move out of the room. Han was too relaxed. How could he forget that he wasn't in a peaceful era? This is a period of war and he just broke one of the only rules on the upper floors.

Well, it wasn't like Han didn't expect something like this to happen. Ever since he tortured Ratte, he always knew that it was only a matter of time before the remaining kings would try to get him for breaking the contract. Han had to go back down but he was also a little worried about the girls.

"Han, you're wasting time here. Go and finish this. Don't worry about us, we'll be fine. We won't end up in any kind of trouble when you're not here."