Destroy It

Tan Woo looked scandalized and she looked around them to make sure that no one heard what Han said! Once she was sure that there was no one around, she then turned back to him with a glare.

"What the hell are you talking about? Don't insult me just because you cannot handle a break-up! I don't even know what I saw in you in the first place. Your just a bumpkin!"

The younger Han squeezed his hands into fists as he spoke. He was very close to punching her in anger, but he wouldn't do that. He wasn't a savage.

"I gave you everything I could so don't you dare insult me! You're the one that just kept on asking me for more money! Did you ever even love me!?"

Tan Woo folded her hands under her chest and snarked. Han was standing on a lower stair, so she was literally looking down at him! Han's anger just grew even more!