The Messiah.

"Is that your familiar? Is it some sort of basilisk?"

Han hummed once Yuuma asked him this question and he had to stop and think about it. Huh, he never even thought of asking what species of snake Orochimaru was. Orochimaru looked more like a python than a basilisk, but with its size, it would be mistaken as a basilisk more often than not. Han just shrugged as he called Orochimaru to look toward them. It didn't really matter what species Orochimaru was. As far as Han was concerned, the only important thing was how strong the snake was.

Orochimaru finally slithered out of the Shadow World completely and it hissed and rose its head up to stare down at them! It was so big that its body completely blocked out the sun from reaching the lab!

Han pointed out his hand to Orochimaru.

"Yuuma, this is Orochimaru, my familiar. Orochimaru, this is Yuuma, one of my wives. Hope you guys get along. And no Orochimaru, you can't eat her,"