
After hearing that Amelia woke up Max went to the mansion. He came out of the car. As the butler welcome him at the door. 'Welcome back mster' the butler greeted. 'Did you get any information?' Max asked. 'Yes boss' Patrick replaied. 'Where is that lazy' Max asked about Nick. 'He is asleep master' Butler said as in a low voice. 'WHAT' Max viscously angered. "He is dead today RIP NICK" Patrick thought. Max hurried towards Nick's room and opened the door with a bang sound. *BANG* Nick wokeup in a shock. 'WHAT THE ******' Nick cursed.

After seeing the face of a grim reaper he said 'Ohh Max you came' he cursed himself in the mind. 'City O need you get ready today'Max said in cold voice. ' NO.. No... please I am your best friend right' Nick showed a puppy face. 'please I dont want to go there' Nick fakely cried. 'Make him say there for a month' Max ordred Patrick and left the room.

'WHAT' Nick cried. 'RIP NICK' Patrick said 'City O is the worst for all crimes bye all the best' Patrick wished him luck and went to Max. 'You son of *****, you are the worst friend in the world' He cursed Max. Max entered the room where Anni is. He saw a beautiful girl who like a delicate flower but now she is like a flower with no inflorance and freshness.

The butler and Patrick followed Max and greeted her. 'He is our Mater Max King' Butler introduced Max to her. 'I am Patrick his assistant' Patrick introduced himself to Amelia. 'hello I am Amelia, thanks for saving me' Amelia said. 'we know miss' Patrick answered. 'Where is my parents? Are they alright?' Amelia asked them.