Family of Max

Amelia and Max walked towards the mansion. 'Welcome young master' The butler Fin greeted them. Butler Fin was the family Butler of the King family and he was a very loyal butler and worked for the family for more than 20 years. Max hummed and said ' This is Amelia' The butler also greeted Amelia 'Welcome Miss Amelia. I am Fin the house head butler.' 'Hello I am Amelia' said Amelia. "She is so kind," thought the Butler Fin.

'Where are they?' Max asked the butler. 'Waiting for you Master' The butler replied. 'Let's go' Max said and walked forward. Amelia followed him. 'You Brat you know the way to home. Stop right there' A woman who is in her 40's shouted at Max. Seeing at Amelia she asked who is she. 'Let him come in first' A man in his 40's said seeing at the women. 'No way if you want go out with him.' Said the woman. 'Nope I don't know who is he honey' said the man hugging his wife. Seeing that Amelia giggled.

The woman was the Madam of the King family and the mother of Max, Her name is Sara King and the man is the Head of the King family and the father of Max, His name is Thomas King. 'Can you stop your drama mom?' Max said with an uninterested expression on his face. 'Yes come in little brat' said his father Thomas. 'Whatever' Max said and walked towards them. Seeing the happy family of three Amelia felt happy and she is smiling, Seeing her Sara asked who is she?.

Max said 'Amelia.... Amelia Fang your friend's daughter.' Hearing this Thomas and Sara was shocked and said 'WHAT' they shouted. 'My ears are dumb now' Max kept his hand covered his ears. 'But he told me that they are coming here but where are they?' Thomas asked as he is searching for Amelia's parents. Max explained then that 'They were attacked on the way they are in the car and I found Amelia drenched in blood on the road bu the car was a blast. Her parents died in a car accident.

Hearing that Amelia's tears flow from her eyes and started crying. Sara hugged Amelia and said 'it's alright Ami, we are here for you' she consoled her. 'Which ****** dare to kill my friend' Thomas burned in anger. 'I will tell you dad, and we finished their funeral today morning.' Max said. 'Good' said Thomas. 'It's ok Ami, we will be here for you' Thomas said to Amelia. 'Come with me Ami' Sara took Amelia with her. 'Come to the study' Thomas said to Max with an angered voice.