
Max woke up as Ami poked his cheek, 'Done?' Max asked as he yawned. 'Yes' Ami said with a blush on her face and she thought "He didn't notice thank god." Max smiled at her and got up and adjust his dress and said 'Let's go home' Ami said 'Ok' and followed Max as he walked forward. On the way home, Max said that 'I need to go somewhere 'Ok, come home soon' Ami answered him with a smile on his face.

They reached the mansion. Ami get off of the car and said 'Ok bye take care of the way' Suddenly she remember her dream and said 'Bye' with teary eyes. She runs inside the mansion. Max looked at Ami who ran inside the mansion and thought "Why does she look so sad" he started his car and drives away.

'Mom I am home' Ami said looking at Sara and Thomas who are sitting in the living room. 'Welcome home' Sara and Thomas said at the same time. Seeing Ami alone Sara asked Ami 'Where is Max?' 'He got some work to do so he went for that.' Ami said in a low tone. 'Ok you go and fresh up' Sara said. 'Ok,' Ami said and went to her room.

In the base, Max was sitting in the chair like a king. 'You called me Max' Nick came into the room, he sat in front of Max and said 'That's a rare thing' he formed his eyebrow. 'I got a work for you' Max said in a cold and expressionless face. 'I am listening' Nick said in a serious tone. 'You have to find a way for Ami' Max said in a concerned tone. 'But that's very dangerous you know that' Nick said in a questioned tone. 'If she is like this it will also be dangerous for her, you know how many are after her.' Max said that he touched his head. 'Mmm give me some time' Nick said and got up from his seat. 'Ok,' Max said. Before leaving Nick turned and said 'You love her right' 'DON'T SPEAK NONSENSE, If you speak another word I will send you to Sahara' Max shouted, his aura turned ice cold. 'Ok ok chill bro' Nick said and runs away. "Patrick is right he is in love, This cold iceberg at last melting." Nick thought.

Max returned home, Ami, Max, Sara, Thomas had their dinner and went to bed as they have a big day tomorrow.