Husband and wife

In the Fang company;

All the shareholders are in the urgent meeting Len Ami's uncle who is present there started to speak first.

'After my brother and his family died, I am taking the company.' He said with a confident tone and there is some selfishness in his character.

All the members are thinking that is right because there is no one in the Fang family to take the CEO position.

The door suddenly opened and with a dark aura, a man came in with a woman following him and that is Max.

'I think I will take care of the company' he said in a cold aura.

'Who the hell are you to tell me' Len shouted in the meeting in an irritated mood.

Then Len noticed Ami who is behind Max and he was so shocked

"How is she..." he thought and came to sense and spoke

'Amelia you are alive, I am so happy'Len said and try to hug her.

Ami felt uncomfortable with her uncle's behavior and she avoided him.

'Sry Mr. Len that's rude to MY WIFE' Max said as he hugged Ami in his side and he pressure the word, My wife.

Ami blushed hearing the word wife and at the same time, Len was so shocked hearing that as his plan is failing.

'What... Wife... is it real Amelia?' He asked Ami with a shocking face.

Ami sees Max as questioning him is it right to answer him. and Max nods to tell her the answer.

'Yes, he is my husband' Ami said with a blush and bold voice.

"Husband huh," Max smirked a little as he thought.

'And uncle now I am taking the CEO position of my company Ami spoke as she held Max's hand.

Len started sweating so bad and said 'OK' he didn't alter a word because he sees the man who is behind Ami and glaring at everyone present in the boardroom.

'Now anyone has any problem.' Max asked everyone who present there with a dangerous aura and in a warning tone.

everyone said no as they don't want to risk their lives for the company and they don't have any objection to Ami being the CEO.

'Then now I am the CEO of Fang company' Ami said in a very cold voice.

"My kitty can be cold too" Max was so proud and laughed in his mind.

Ami and Max go to the cabin and AMi turned around to see Max and hugged him tightly. Max was so shocked and surprised but then he hugged her back.

'Thank you Ami said with a weeping voice.

Max comforts her with gentle pats on her back.