CEO Of the Fang Company

'She is the CEO of the Fang company' Max hold the mick and spoke with a cold tone.

'Oh mam, so you are the heir of Fang' The reporter asked Ami.

'Your parents died some days ago, Why did you marry Mr. King' The reporters asked non-stop questions.

'She..' Max started but Ami interrupted and

'Let me' As she held Max's hand with a little smile on her face.

'Ok,; Max said and step aside for Ami to held the mick.

'I am Amelia Fang and the CEO of the Fang company, I married Max because we love each other' Ami said with a wide smile on her face.

"Love each other, she is My WIFE," Max thought and feeling proud and he blush a little with a small smile on his face.

'OMG, he smiles' everyone present there was so shocked to see the cold mountain smile.

"It's not abnormal for me," Patrick thought with a smirk on his face.

'Any questions' Ami asked the reporters with a cold voice and a professional smile on her face.

'She is beautiful and powerful, and cold too'. others whispered themselves.

'Wooh miss is so cool' Partick said with a proud feeling.

'That's my wife' Max whispered to his wife.

'Stop' Ami said in a low voice with a blush.

'Ok then let's go, Meeting is over please everyone takes care' Max said as he grabbed Ami's hand and leaves.

In the car, Ami didn't speak anything and Max is driving the car.

"Why he is doing this... and I think I love... no, our marriage will break after all the problem is solved but why do I feel bad about it." Ami thought and she remembered the dream that Max disappeared from her life, Tears fell down her eyes and she wiped them and looked at the window of the car.