She moaned involuntarily against his mouth as he licked the blood trickling down her hemorrhaging lip. Her hands engaged in an unswerving battle to get out of his clutches, because this wasn't a make-out session.

He was practically draining the blood out of her as he continually sucked at the trifling cut she made through digging her sharp teeth into the lip while nibbling at it so as to keep her voice down against the agony that initiated when he was coursing his hands over her skin. She had no intent of worsening her already terrible situation by piercing her lip, rendering it to bleed.

The mattress weighs down as her body sinks into the sheets, his body overlaps hers, their bodies are crammed together, her chest presses against his muscular and broader one as she continued to wriggle under his grasp.

She wriggles unremittingly under his hold, her body was no longer in a state of paralyze, she could move of her own accord, the negligible silhouette of pain looms still, yet she struggled to get out of his grasps heedlessly.

His grip around her wrist only strengthened in return and she yelped loudly against his mouth. She moaned again against his mouth, it was reluctance is what it was. But her muffled voice leads him out of his state of disorientation somehow.

It was strong enough to draw him back to his senses, yet the stream of blood on her smaller jaw sweeps him in again.

His tongue licked her bleeding lip moving in a circular motion one last time before finally shifting from her bottom lip to her shorter jaw. He moistens her skin all the way through her lip to her jaw, for a moment he sucked at the spot, before lowering his mouth further below.

"P-please stop.." she finally welped as her mouth was finally freed from his insolent sucking and licking. He ceases his actions instantly on hearing her beseeching. He lay his mouth in her nape, regret replaces his greed instantly. His head was clouded with his own conflicted threads of thoughts.

Goosebumps rise all over Yue's skin, as he rests his face in the nape of neck. His cool breath passes over her skin and she gulps.

His grip over her hands finally begins to unpin, and taking the benefit of the doubt she quickly writhes her hands out of his hands and endeavors to shift her weight from under him.

Her expeditious series of acts catches his attention, as his hands retrace from above her head to fall beside him as he pushes his weight off Yue. Still lying parallel to her length, he places his hands on either side of her head as he pushes himself into a plank-like position now.

Finally, after all that commotion when he looks up, his gaze pierces through her soul. Her breath wavers unstably as she witnesses something appalling.

His eyes weren't the normal fathomless black hitherto they were, the liquid in his eyes swirls steadily transforming into a color entirely anew.

"Y-your eyes" she stuttered uneasily and was apprehensive at the mystical change.

His orbs dilute into a Crimson red. She stared in absolute disbelief, and discerning her peculiar view of his variation, he sprang off and away from her sight of being horrified by him.

'I, perhaps, shouldn't have had spoken in such fearful manner as my words came out to be.' A sudden feeling of remorse and guilt overwhelms Yue as she feels as though she offended him.

The mattress bounces with the impact of his leap away from it. He is dissembling himself, in an attempt to undo what she just witnessed, he is indeed suppressing himself.

Pushing aside her empathetic thoughts for him she moved her hand up to my face.

Her small tender fingers graze over her own lips as she realises this was in fact, her first kiss ever.

She hadn't ever indulged herself in any sort of romantic or arousing activity, thus leading to her being a virgin in all aspects.

"That wasn't a kiss...."

A redundant pang of sharp pain strikes her heart for a moment on hearing the denial of it being a heartfelt desired kiss, as she had initially taken it be.

But she knew too, deep inside, that whatever that was, it wasn't a kiss, it was far from being a kiss. It was more of a killing aspect for her.

"I'm sorry." Yue turns her head towards the source of the voice, it was him.

He again, stands amongst the veil of the curtains, levitating from the natural air perforating through the open glass window.

She looked at him, at where he stood, he wasn't looking her way, his gaze was elsewhere. 'He's prepossessing, no matter how much I try to deny it.' She thought to herself as she gazed in wonder at his beautiful features.

She then strived to push herself off the mattress into a seating position.

And she was flabbergasted, as unexpectedly she could move with ease.

Her limbs seemed to follow her commands deprived of any unusual affliction or pain!

Her eyes immediately shift their gaze towards the one who inflicted this miracle.

'He fixed me….'

Everything here appeared to be so real, tangible and concrete beyond belief. For Yue it was becoming harder to convince herself at this point that this wasn't the actual world, this wasn'thappening for real, it was nothing more than a nightmare.

'I need to get out of here at the earliest, the more time I spend here, the more of a part of it I become.'

While Yue had thankful thoughts of the person who somewhat healed her, and was wondering how to thank him for everything. The man standing against the window was all but regretful of his entire series of actions.

"I shouldn't have helped her.DAMN IT!!

I have complete control over the color variation, how'd I let it slip? Should I kill her? That'll be the easier way out of this mess.'

Everything he had kept buried inside came rushing to the surface. He was simply not able to resist her.

He glares towards her tiny form, and given her fragile state, it would be uncomplicated to get rid of her for him. He glared back at her as he tried to convince himself of murdering the fragile being in front of him.

Even when the distant voices and whispers in his mind wandered saying otherwise.