Yue once on the ground doesn't initiate any further motion as the wolf draws closer, it's canines flashing a vivid view of how easily it can chew her up.

The structure of the wolf's teeth and jaws represent a typical predator archetype.

Over 70% of the wolf's diet is meat, either prey animals of different sizes or carcasses. The wolf's diverse diet is distinctly visible in its teeth structure. The canines are large, yet not particularly sharp or flattened like those of the lynx.

She gulps nervously at the thought being eaten alive by a wolf and that too in a novel.

The base colour of the wolf's fur is a shiny silver. Ash gray guard hairs are prominent on the back, the shoulders and the tip of the tail. The wolf's belly side is lighter in tone. The base colour of the wolf's legs is onyx and the front of the forelegs may have a black streak.

He is captivating in appearance. His orbs dilate as it draws closer, a beautiful teal blue reflects his prying eyes. Had the circumstances been different, Yue would've watched him with awe instead of the present emotions of trepidation.

But as her eyes followed the mammoth paws leaving traces on the wet silt as he stepped forward closing in the distance between her and him, she couldn't help but feel petrified.

It was male wolf she could clearly tell so, judging by the size of it. It was almost four feet above ground, and almost 180 cm in length. He was unlike the ordinary wolves she had ever seen, he was comparatively much larger in size and his fur is voluminous as well. The largest a wolf can get is up to 3 feet but this one was much more prodigious.

Along with the extant trepidation, plain curiosity about the queer magnitude of the animal congested her already entangled thoughts.

The wolf was more akin to a lion than it's prodegy of wolves, yet it's pointed muzzle and foxy-like face structure gave away. His ears were upright as he caught her tiniest of motions.

He growls lowly, only a few inches away from her. 'Oh god.' she squints her eyes close apprehensive of the anticipated maneuver, her head against the rough bark, her body coldly in contact with dampness of the forest floor.

Her breath hitches before entirely ceasing as the muzzle of the wolf touches her calf. It's enormously weighty paw positions itself on her soft bare belly as it advances towards her face. Yue could hear and feel his breath vividly.

She doesn't dare open her eyes in the entire series of events. 'Please don't eat me. Please don't eat me.' The only thought that loops on in her mind continuously. She had never witnessed a creature so gigantic in such close vicinity, the maximum extent of vicinage she had acquired was one with the animal behind the metallic fences of a zoo.

But this experience had taken her fears to a whole different level. Her alarmed state skyrocketed as the wolf drew closer and closer.

The wolf retreats itself a little as it's muzzle now breathes in the nape of her neck, she gulps as the tip of his nose makes contact with her skin. It was moisty and cold at touch. His gnarling seemed to have been dispelled in the process.

As his rough and nudged tongue chafes her nape, her eyes spark open responsive to the peculiar act. 'Is he tasting me up or what? Is this part of the process of consumption? Is this how wolves devour a live prey?' She couldn't help but deem the countless ways the beast could demolish her. But he only seemed to be savoring her at the moment.

The wolf reverts from his acts to meet her gaze, his orbs are an appalling color of cerulean blue, they're nearly ocean eyes, and for an evanescent she loses herself in the depths of his sparkling gaze.

Momentarily her heart ceases to function as the wolf proceeds nearer, the distance between him and her grows to be trifling. He breaks the absurd eye-contact and moistens Yue's rim of her lips.

Her eyes narrow and her brows knit together in perplexion. While Yue promptly questioned his questionable acts she didn't notice that the wolf had it's attention to waver elsewhere.

In a trice the wolf jerks up its head, his ears cleanly vertical as the bushes adjacent to the two of them suddenly rustle. The wolf steps a little away from, not far enough for her to escape, it's barely off her. She could feel the warmth radiating off the body of the hot-blooded animal as it stood right beside her.

His eyes fixated at the undergrowth behind causing a commotion, and it reverts back to its instinctive growling.

"Get away from her." A familiar voice causes Yue to shoot her eyes in the direction of the source. Her heartbeat paces and a pang of relief spreads all through her body as her eyes locate and land upon a ebony haired man with ash colored hair locks emerge through the avacado thorny ferns.