"Ahem, My Lady, are you..." Yumi exchanged a suspicious glance with her pink haired twin, "...okay?" continued Yuri, snapping Yue out of her daydreams.

"I-uh..." Yue bit on her bottom lip, attempting her best to not be flustered, "I am alright." She smiled and the maids were quite at a relief on hearing so.

While admiring their eye catching features, it was then that Yue realized, that the color of their eyes was not ordinary. A chill went down her spine as she was once again reminded of the fact that she was not in a land of the humans any more.

" you mind if I ask you a question?" Yumi and Yuri instantly shook their heads, allowing Yue to know that they had no objections in being inquired to whatever she had that perturbed her.

"Can you..." Yue hesitated to find words, she was afraid she would offend them with the wrong choice of words, and that's the last thing she would want,