"Aren't you going to eat?" Yue had her food hanging in mid air as she inquired. To her surprise he simply opened his mouth and Yue giggled before guiding her hand with the food in it right into his awaiting mouth. She held her smile all the while he took a bite out of her hand and chewed on it while still holding his charming eye contact with her.

"I want to cook for you too. Tell me what's your favourite dish!" Yue asked all hyped up about doing something for him in return as well. She didn't let him know that she was a terrible cook. All she knew was that she wanted to do something for him. And since he had already cooked twice for her, she wanted to do the same, at least once.

"You're enough." He winked making Yue stop the food she was chewing on and stare directly at him before a pink glow began spreading across her face. She looked away and quickly swallowed her food.