" Charlotte, you better listen to me if you don't want that beautiful face of yours to get ruined, William said with coldness evident in his voice. Enough is enough, I can't stand it anymore, I can't share my husband with anyone, Charlotte shouted. Oh, so now you know that I'm your husband before you went ahead to connive with that sister of yours and got me arrested, you know what you're very lucky I came out on time, if I had spent a night there in jail, then I would have killed your daughter. You know I never expected you to say this to me, Sia is your daughter for goodness sake. Did I tell you that I want to have a daughter, no right it's all your fault for not being able to reproduce, I want a son, not the other way round, I wonder how many men has slept with you, William said with disgust. Immediately a slap landed on his cheek. You are a coward, a beast, a monster, you womanizer how dear you say those words to my face, Charlotte said. You foolish woman, you're going to pay dearly for this. He then started beating up Charlotte until blood started coming out from her nose and lip. She was now on the floor struggling at the same time crying , meanwhile William knelt down close to her. Listen to me, you're a very beautiful woman but at the same time very stubborn, get ready tonight cause if I don't meet up with my woman, then you will be the one to warm my bed, William said and then left the house.

Sia pov

Returning home I saw my dad leaving and I went inside, only to see my mom sitting on the couch and crying, I felt hurt and worried at the same time because Mom was my everything cause I never liked my dad.

"Mom, how did this happen to you, I bet that bastard did this to you, how did he even get bailed out, Sia said. Mom you will have to listen to me, if you ever love then please divorce dad, please mom you have to do it.

No I can't, I love your dad alot, I can't live without him, I will die Sia. And me , do you know what I'm going through seeing you like this, it breaks my heart, Sia said with tears streaming down her cheeks. I'm sorry my baby, I just can't let go, I love him so much that's why I turned down Steve's proposal and married your dad. Mom listen you will have to let go of him, you have endured enough.

They both hugged each other and sobbed profusely. Enough , it's okay let me go to the kitchen and make us something to eat, Charlotte said. No, you sit here and I will go you the first aid box and then I will make something for the both of us, Sia said adamantly. Alright, hurry up I'm in a lot of pain.

Afterwards Sia applied ointment on her mother's wound and then they both had dinner together, Sia also make sure that her mother slept in her room (Sia's room) to prevent her dad from inflicting more on her mom.

* * * * * * * * * * * * * * * * * * *

Sia woke up the next morning as a result of her phone ringing tone, when she checked the caller "Bestie" was displayed on the screen and she quickly stood up to pick it.

"Good morning Sia, how was your night, a female voice was heard on the other side of the line. Morning Bryan, my night wasn't bad.

I will be coming to your place for a sleepover at least for three days before school resumes, I know that I'm very bored and I just need your company, hope that dad of yours isn't around, Bryan said. Do you have to remind me about him, I swear you have ruined my day. Oh come on, don't worry I will be there to brighten it up again and yes before I arrive please tell aunt to make me some bacon egg and cheese, okay. I believe that you have a cookie in your house who could do that. Hey, you better convey my message to her unless, you what I'm capable of doing right, Bryan said threatening Sia. Alright, I will now get off my phone you bully, sia said playful. Thanks for the comments, see you later goodbye. Bye.

Walking down the stairs, fully ready for the day, Sia greeted her mom who was placing different kinds of foods on the table and to her surprise she saw bacon egg and cheese on the table.

Mom why do you prepare those ?, Sia asked her mom. I just felt like someone is craving for this, do you know who, Charlotte asked. No, I don't know, Sia lied. Then she suddenly heard someone's voice.

I just knew it you wouldn't tell aunt even if I threatened you, Bryan said walking out of the kitchen. You, how did you get her so fast and beside I wanted to prepare the food myself, Sia said. Thank you very much but I remember not telling you to make it, Bryan said giving Sia a weird smile. Alright enough girls , have a seat and have breakfast.

Well Sia guess what, Charlotte said. Mom you Know that I'm not good at guessing, Sia said while sulking. Alright, Margaret is coming back from Los Angeles tommorow and she will be spending more time with us than usual, Charlotte said smiling. What , both girls screamed. OMG, finally my Maggie is coming, I'm so excited I can't wait for tomorrow, Sia said. Me too, I looking forward to seeing her, Bryan said.

They all finished eating and Charlotte went out to work, leaving the best buddies Sia and Bryan at home to watch the house. They both discussed, play video games, eat cookies and talk about Bryan's crush.
