I turned to see him walking away. Hey, where are you going, I asked but he didn't stop. Somewhere with light, love to come ?. Yeah, it's not like I have a choice, I said and walked up to him. You know, you can just call someone and get us out of here. I don't have my phone on me, those bastards probably took it, he said.

Do you mean your friends, I asked to see him starring at me. None of your business, he said and continued walking.

We walked through the stairs and finally to the balcony. I was surprised because I never saw something as beautiful as this, although it can't be clearly seen but the school garden was right in front of my eyes.

So where's the light ?, I asked feeling annoyed because there was no trace of light apart from my phone touch. Up there, he said pointing to the moon and he went to sit on the only available bench.

I stood still feeling annoyed, so this guy was talking about the moon all along, whatever it's really lovely watching the moon from up here. I decided not to sit on the same bench with him, so I stood to keep my distance.

The next few minutes, I got tired and decided to sit down. I thought you were playing statue, he said coldly. Nope, just felt like viewing the breathtaking sight.

How could a guy be so mean, I wonder how his friends cope with him. What an annoying brat, I muttered under my breath. I'm the brat, he asked while looking straight. Yes, i answered absentmindedly, only for me to realize he heard what I said. No, I mean...., the sight is breathtaking, don't you agree. What a girl, he said.

Me, I don't understand, I asked looking confused. Nothing, good night, he said and closed his eyes. I felt angry because no one has ever ignored me.

Next morning, Sia is still fast asleep while leaning on James who was awake for a very long time. I woke up to see myself resting on this brat's shoulder, I looked up to see if he was awake and unfortunately he was starring back at me. In an attempt to get up, my lip accidentally touched his.

Sorry, it was a mistake. It's okay, he said, like nothing ever happened. We should probably leave right now, I think by now the door would be opened. I decided to stand up and he then pulled me back to sit and gave me a light kiss on my lip.

Remember you stole a kiss from me, few seconds ago, he said. How dear you, I said and slapped him. He looked at me while holding his left cheek. Don't try this with any other boy, he said and smirked. I was dumbfounded and I left angrily feeling guilty for what I did.

James was still sitting on the bench, holding onto an identity card, with the name Sia George. How careless, he said while starring at the card. Cute, he commented on Sia's photo in the identity card. Cute little Careless girl, he said while smiling and left.