
Necessary sacrifice

"What?" Someone who can't use magic exist in this world? The thought seemed obscure, but at the same time Zain lived in a world where someone was able to wield multiple elements at once, and possibly have dominion over the Divine Beast.

"She…she's one of the only humans on the planet to have a mana core deficiency. She can't generate mana within her body, and is unable to produce any form of spell. Meaning she can't fortify her body with mana to survive something like this!"

Just as Zain gathered more information from Steel, he heard the sound of someone else entering the room from the hole in the ceiling, and glancing over his shoulder he finally saw Scarlet catch up to him. As her feet landed on the dust filled floor she quickly noticed Steel and his injured state before rushing to their side.

"Is he alright?"

Just as Zain was about to answer, he felt his arms get gripped tightly as Steel's desperate face was put back into his line of sight.