Geography and the Races of Jakraa

Welcome to the table of contents dedicated to making your understanding of the world of jakraa much better.

Jakraa is a place with many life forms, but besides that, it is also a life form itself. It is a deity with a mana heart. Although jakraa herself is very strong, she does not interfere with the main races on her surface. The main body of jakraa is huge at 40 times bigger than the earth, it is truly massive. Because of the massive size of jakraa, the years are much longer and so are the seasons. With a single season lasting about 4 years instead of the short ones that occur on earth.

Normally the people of jakraa would die from the gravitational force that would make someone who weighs 160 pounds 6,400 pounds thus instantly killing them. But jakraa is a deity with special properties. The magnetic field has mana lacing it which gives it weird properties. Like making gravity only 0.5 times heavier and thus allowing life for the weaker races to exist.

She has two moons that orbit her, one is dead and has no mana heart. But it does have a life comparable to life on earth and is just as big. The second is the brother of jakraa and his name is jrakeer. Life on jrakeer is the same as jakraa but unlike jakraa, there is very little activity from the main races, such long-distance teleportation costs a lot of mana and resources. There are only a few scientific research bases. Besides that, it is just a wilderness with dangers.

Jakraa has a total of ten contents with them being broken up between the races. Besides the dwarves that live wherever they want. (Besides the elves who long ago kicked them out) The planet is altogether 996,040 miles across with the landmass only taking up 1/8 of the total space.

: Ganro, Land of the giants, the biggest of the ten continents. It is rolling planes with huge mountain ranges breaking them up every once in a while. It is 50,098 miles across it is twice the length of the earth.

: Orpic, the land of the fae, is by far the smallest continent at 5,000 miles across. The entire landmass is shrouded in fog and not even demi-gods from other races can breakthrough. The only time you will see a fae is when they come and find you.

: Janse and Kalu, these two continents are run by humans With Janse being 24,000 miles across and Kalu being 14,000 miles across. Janse is very open to other races coming in but Kalu is not. They are bloodline supremest and believe humans are the best and strongest race (Not True) and love to start minor wars whenever possible (Just like us "...") and the other races usually ignore Kalu including Janse.

: Vansk, land of the Eldrasie and just like its peoples is is rough where only the strong can live there properly. It's very cold with -60 being a constant temperature during the winter season, and below freezing for the rest of the seasons. Because of the frigid temperature they cannot grow food at all they can only hunt and are taught to do so at a very young age. Other than the very cold weather there are a lot of trees and mountains with trolls liking to live in the mountain ranges the eldrasie like to live in the more forested places.

: Grela and taley, Both of these continents belong to the elves. Both lands are beautiful, lush valleys and deep fjords mark the land of the elves. Being smack dab in the equator the temperatures are always very warm. Grela is 15,000 miles across and taley is 12,000 miles across.

: Felenst, the land of the wood elves, huge trees cover the entirety of the land, the smallest trees reach 1000 feet and because of their extreme highest they are also very thick with 250 feet across is the norm because of this the wood elves live on the branches and inside the trees themselves using nature magic as two not hurt the trees.

: Vacals. the land of the Dark elves, a thick smog always lingers over the entire continent. This smog comes from all the volcanos that pokiedot the surface of the land besides from being very hot year-round their is very little light.

=Races of Jakraa, 7 races live on jakraa because they are all separated by the seas the only war that happens is internal and thus there is very little hate amongst them(Besides Kalu)

: Giants, are the biggest race with the males standing at 50 feet and the females 40 feet. Unlike you would think they are not bulky but have the v taper as the common body type. They however do get lean muscle that looks good when they take off their clothe. They are very nomad-like people, they raise magical cattle that are about as big as they are. They also live in yurts and unlike their cousins, they don't like to use clubs or hammers but bows are their choice. They are extremely good with them and can hit humans at very long distances. Their faces resemble the Asian peoples of Mongolia. They are usually very calm and their laws revolve around kindness and curtsey.

: Eldrasie, is the second biggest race with the males standing at 8 feet and the females are usually a little bit taller at 8'5 but have way less mass. The Eldrasie people also grow up very fast and reach adult physical ability at the age of ten. For example, a 3-year-old would be the equivalent of a human 8-year-old. They look like the german people but with strong jaws and rich bronze skin, their hair color can be anything but is mostly brown with their eyes being blood-orange without exception.

The eldrasie people are very bulky and strong(They look like Ronnie Coleman big but often nowhere close to the definition of muscle that he had, with a much bulkier waist) they pride them selfs on mastery of the basics in all matters and are very smart(With math and writing, they could use some common sense), that being said they whole race is very headstrong and prone to violence due to the rough environment that honed their ancestor's brains.

When they start fighting someone it usually ends in somebody dying due to their incredible battle lust that turns into bloodlust mid-fight. Death from bar fights is not against the law and is a very common occurrence. Most laws of the normal races don't apply because they believe in strength and if you get robbed that's on you. But they do have one law and that's no rape if you are caught doing the act it's instant death most likely after being tortured by the City Guards.

: Wood Elves, pretty small with the women standing at 5'2 at the average and the men at 5'9. They are very kind people and dedicate their life to creating and growing things (Mostly plants) They are good friends with mountain dragons and hill giants. They often grow oak trees for the hill giants because it is their favorite to eat. They look like Japanese people, but they have curly white hair and white eyes. Their skin tone is the same as dark wood. Their laws revolve around the principle of treating others how you wish to be treated.

: Elves, pride themselves on art and science (The Cloud-Dwarves are way more advanced about 300 years worth) and will shamelessly tell the other races so. The males stand at 6 feet on average and so do the females. They have very dark brown hair and they look like people from Greece. They however are more advanced in one aspect and that is mastery over magic. They are masters of spell creation and have many spells that don't follow common sense. Their laws revolve around nobility being superior to the low class.

: DarkElf, there is not much known about the dark elves mostly because they are very antisocial, this behavior makes people forget that they exist often. The males are about 6'5 and the women are about 6 feet tall. They might have a notorious reputation as killers and assassins and that's only because mostly the ones that venture outside their homeland are outcasts. The main populace is very kind. They have developed trade with most kingdoms. (Mostly Magic Ore).

: Mountain dwarves, the oldest race (Besides their cousins the cloud-dwarves) are very smart creatures, most of that brainpower goes into blacksmithing weapons of extreme power. The number of magical gems they have can wipe out a whole continent if they used them to make a magic bomb.

They are pretty short as the males are 4'0 and the females are 3'8 feet on average. They have dark brown or red hair, their skin is white from being underground so long and their eyes are dark brown or purple with purple being more common and brown being rarer. They live in mountain ranges everywhere except the elven continents and have many connections with the Eldrasie and Human peoples.

: Cloud-Dwarves, brothers to the Mountain-Dwarves. They took to the sky and built floating cities amongst the clouds, hence their names. Unlike their brothers, they have dark skin from extreme exposure to the sun. They have darker hair and either blue, purple, or brown eyes with purple being the rarest. The Average cloud Dwarf is around 5'0 with the females being slightly below that They Are 500 hundred more years advanced than the main races technology-wise and 300 more than the elves.

: Human, just like the humans on earth except they are slightly more well-mannered and kind. And there are a lot more of them.