
Two weeks have passed since drakai started his training. He could now be seen swinging the sword in multiple combinations in the courtyard. All these swings utilized rotation to add more power to the swing. His feet never stayed in one place, and every time his feet hit the ground, the snow could be heard lightly crunching underneath his boots. Warm steam comes from his mouth every time he breathes, the cold frigid weather of vansk pushing him further and harder, so he doesn't freeze.

"Alright, that's enough swordplay for today." Turning off the gravity pillar, jack turned around. Dropping the sword on the ground, drakai sat down and awaited his teacher's instructions.

"What next?"Drakai asked.

Jack looks at the ground. The snow had been pushed down by the guards and people that train in this courtyard daily.

Kicking the ground, he pulled out a vial with purple liquid and threw it to drakai. "Now we start hand-to-hand combat." Drakai snatched it out of the air and started to gulp it down. He had learned in the beginning not to ask unnecessary questions. Jack would get irritated if he kept asking them.

Feeling refreshed, he got up quickly. "Alright, I am ready." Nodding at his disciple's quickness, he started to speak, "When it comes to martial art, the first and foremost is footwork, it is important that you don't trip all over yourself. If you trip, that leaves an opening to get stabbed. Not only that, but proper footwork sets you up for the next move that you want to execute.

Getting in position, jack started to shift his feet in certain patterns. While doing these patterns, he looked at drakai to make sure that he was paying attention. " This is the main martial art for the military.

You can learn it because you are the son of a baron. If your father was a normal soldier, this could get you in trouble, so thank him next time you speak to him."

"Alright, now you just try and do what I did. Those are the first stage of the Boi-ka, the official killing art of the military. After you get it and can do it without fail, we will get into the movements that go with them. Worry not though I will be certain to correct you if you are doing something wrong."

"This is so boring. This isn't worth my time." Grumbling to himself, drakai got into position and started to execute the same footwork, that was until his feet caught one another, and he tripped right on his face.

"What the hell?" getting up, he started again with an embarrassed face he started again. "Wait! Before doing it again, reflect on what you did wrong. No reason in doing the same thing if it's going to yield the same results." Thinking about how he was doing the steps, he realized that he was stepping forward on the wrong foot, which ultimately led to his failure.

Getting up, he started again, this time doing it in the proper order. This time he didn't fail. Step after step, he got better and better. Feeling impressed by the speed at which drakai was learning.

He nodded his head. Having an intense sagely look on his face, jack looked at drakai. "Hmmm, you are getting better and better, my student, but you forgot one thing." Looking over with puzzlement, drakai asks.

"What did I forget?" Drakai winced.

With a devilish smile on his face, he looked drakai straight into the eyes.

"I never said go." Then, pulling the massive pillar out of his D-Ring, he slammed it on the ground with a smug look on his face, took out crystals, and put them in. Feeling the pressure, Drakai wanted to cry.

"This is such bullshit, no wonder everyone in this country has more muscle than the average ox."Struggling to get up, he started his footwork once again. This time his eyes were slightly glowing.


Stumbling into his room, with a purple vial in his hand, He fell on his bed. popping the small cork out of the vial, he drank it quickly.

"There is still a lot of sunlight left. If anything some of the shops in town should be open. I need to find out how much I can sell these for." Pulling out a crystal, he looked at its warm glow. Sighing, he walked over to his dresser and pulled out his warmest cloak and scarf.

If you listened close, you could hear the small and soft footsteps of a person walking. Drakai was sneaking out, wrapping the scarf around his head. He was looking for the best way to leave, and mentally preparing himself for the long 30-minute journey.

Turning around the corner of the castle right before you get to the courtyard, he peeked out and looked for the patrolling guards to see if he could sneak past them. *Crunch* Turing around, he heard the sound of crunching snow.

"What the hell was that." He caught a glimpse of a small hairy limb. Rushing to where he saw the limb, his curiosity got the better of him, and he wanted to know what it was that he saw.

Turning around the corner, he almost shit himself. "Ahhhhhh, what are you!"

A twin scream matched drakai's. "Ahhhh, why are you here?"

Panting, they both looked at each other. The creature was no bigger than 3 feet and was furry all over. Its fur was dark brown. It had large bat-like ears and a scrunched-up nose like a bat. Its eyes were a warm light brown color and looked like a human's. "Ahem, what are you?"

" I am a brownie. Can't you tell stalker?"

"What the hell is a brownie? Are you edible?"

" Not that type of brownie, you idiot. Have you seen baked goods sprout arms and legs?" Drakai's face turned a shade red from embarrassment.

"Well, no, but I have also never heard of a being called a brownie."

"Sigh, well, that does make sense. You people don't understand the importance of understanding the creatures and other peoples of jakraa." Frowning drakai was a little angry from the little creature's comment.

"It's not my fault, my parent barely has any books, and the ones they do have are just autobiographies of past kings."

The creature looked puzzled. "So you do want to learn? That's rare."

"Of course I do. I also want to be a mage. I don't particularly want to be a muscle head." The brownies eyes widened."

"Rare, very rare." It mumbled to its self while looking at the eldrasie.

"Well, you are an odd one, but mind explaining to me why you are following me?"

"Umm, I live here, and you are on my property." The brownie gave drakai a blank look.

"Oh, I suppose that's a good enough reason. Although you make a point, why are you up so late?"

"I was sneaking out. As you know, my parents barely have any books, and I was going into town to see if they have a book store or something similar."

Looking slightly sad, then the look left and was replaced with a grin, the brownie looked at drakai. "They don't... I know because I'm often in town. I'm currently traveling the world, but one of my cousins has a secret shop here. Usually, only fae could access it. But since you are rather odd, I'll make an exception." Pulling something out of thin air, the brownie handed the young eldrasie a Metal Card with a weird geometric pattern on it.

"Take this and go to the shop Belamores Goods. It is a hunting shop full of hunting gear. Go to the back, and you will see a large fur skin on the far back wall. Behind that, you will find answers.." Looking around, the brownie started to walk away but stopped. He came back, grabbed the card then his hands started to glow. Looking at the brownie drakai's mouth was open looking at what was happening in front of him. Then the geometric lines began to change.

"My name is Lorkan, young one. If you ever need my help, say my name while holding the card, and I will come. I have a feeling you will need it in the future." Turning around, the brownie started to walk away, then suddenly, it vanished. Feeling a pulling sensation, he felt his surroundings begin to change. Once everything was back to normal, he found himself in an alleyway.

"What the hell just happened?"

Drakai was at an utter loss at both his luck and the absurdity of the situation. But not wishing to waste any more time. He rushed out of the alleyway and came into a street. That looked to be cobbled.

He saw several people walking on the side walking, and most of the shops were lit up, indicating that they were open. He stepped out on the street and started to look for Belamores. He didn't have to look far, for it was across the street to buildings down from where he was. He began to run across the street when he was yelled at. "Oi, get out of my way, you little runt!" On a giant goat was an eldrasie, a guard was making his rounds.

"Sorry." He rushed across the street and made it to the sidewalk.

Making it too belamores, he opened the door and was greeted by a warm breeze. There was a friendly fire in the middle of the store. The store itself was rather significant, its ceiling was about 20 feet tall, and there were a lot of hunting tools all over the walls. Walking up to the fire, he warmed his hands up.

"Hello, welcome to my shop, little one. What can I help you with?" Walking up to him was a massive eldrasie woman. She was the tallest eldrasie he had seen. She was about 9 feet tall and was also stunningly beautiful, with an hourglass figure, and was relatively well endowed compared to the other eldrasie women he had seen.

"I'm good. I already know what I'm looking for." Smiling at the women while he spoke, the women nodded.

"Alright little one, just come look for me if you need help." Going to ask another customer if they needed help, she walked off. Feeling warm from the fire, he diced to see if the Lorkan was correct or not. He made his way to the back.

It didn't take him long to find the fur the tiny creature was talking about since it was big enough to reach the ceiling. Pulling the gray pelt back, he saw nothing. He pulled out his card and touched it to the wall. The card started to light up, and matching geometric patterns also started to light up on the wall.

A small door opened up practically out of nowhere. Going through the door, he was greeted by a small man with a stunned look on his face.