Boring fight

And just like that, drakais first fight in the competition was over. Drakai knew that the rest of the contestants would be harder to fight. But he also knew that his first opponent wasn't particularly good when Hok walked out onto the stage from his walk alone. It wasn't that of a warrior. Even his handling of the spear was second-rate. His entire ego was boosted by his father and his standing in the city.

Walking off the stage, everyone was quiet. Drakai had beaten Hok really fast. Under a minute wasn't unheard of before, but the way he did was what caught the entire stadium full of people off guard. He didn't beat with raw power but more with skill.

Cleaning his throat, the referee walked back onto the stage. "Ahem, Drakai from the house Braden Is the first winner of this competition. The next two contestants are Joel From the house of Primesta and fenere from the house of Lokar."

The following two contestants walked onto the stage with smiles on their faces, they wanted to put on a show like drakai, and they both thought they were just as good if not better. The whistle blows, and they both pushed off the ground. Rushing towards each other, they were both using a Kai-Ra.

They swung the massive blades at each other, trying to overpower each other with raw might. The load cleaning of metal was heard as they bashed their weapons together, their eyes starting to glow brighter and brighter. Their fight was really slow and people lost interest in it pretty fast.

That's when it happened, Joel made a mistake and pushed his Dolor-Tas harder than Lokar and passed out from exhaustion instead of being beaten. However, it still counted as a victory for Lokar, and the referee called out his victory. After that, other fights started and stopped. People kept cheering for their family hoping their sons or daughters would win.

There was one other young eldrasie that was dominating the contestants. A young eldrasie girl with dark purple hair would utterly beat everyone she came across. So Drakai was called up again to the stage, this time against one of the bigger eldrasie kids he had ever seen. He was 5'5 and made drakai look really small since he was only 4 feet tall.

The referee walked on the stage and announced the fighters. "Alright, We have Drakai from the Braden family with one win and Ven from the Hoast family with 2 wins! FIGHT."

"I saw your last match. It was rather impressive, but I hope you don't think I will be that easy, do you?" Ven spoke with a grin on his face.

Drakai spun his sword, making the sheaths come off. "I am quite aware that you are not as weak."

Drakai made the fist move and launched himself at the other boy. Ven was caught off guard. He expected Drakai to be cocky like the last time, but he showed respect. Ven also pushed off the ground and rushed forward.

Ven was using the standard Kai-Ra, performing an overhead chop at drakai. Drakai spun his blade up to deflect the edge and then rotated around his torso and slashed up at ven.

"Shit! Fast!" Ven was surprised by the speed. He thought that because of the size of drakais sword, he would be faster than him. But the way that drakai was using his sword was out of the norm.

Drakai continued to spin around on his feet and do random slashes at ven with no pattern, making the fight even harder for ven. Drakai had long since gotten used to the feeling of being dizzy and had developed a resistance to it.

Ven was starting to struggle, and his eyes began to glow, which made him faster, and he began to catch up with drakai, who was still spinning his Kai-Do at high speeds. Ven's eyes started to glow the more he struggled against drakai.

Ven soon caught up to drakais speed, his dolor-tas working faster and faster, pushing his body more quickly and faster. Instead of actively dodging or staying out of range, he started to defect.

Drakai seeing this, drakai decided to launch a bat-like attack. Spinning his blade in the air, he gripped the hole inside the sword, and using the force from the spinning blade, he performed a full-body bat-swing at ven.

"Normally, that would work, but right now, I feel much too alive." So Ven gripped his sword, his young muscles bunched up, and he swung at the oncoming blade with all his might. But, of course,

Drakai was not expecting this, and ven overpowered him as the bigger eldraise. He simply had more muscle, and drakai wasn't even using his dolor-tas yet much less his dolor-kai. So it was expected.

Drakais was thrown off balance and, even seeing the opportunity, stepped in and performed a side slash catching drakai right in the ribs making a shallow but long cut that made his blood splurt on the ground.

Drakai got back on his feet and looked at ven with a smile. "Thank you, you taught me something important today. Even though I attack fast, my defense is zero."

Ven smiled. "One often learns in the heat of battle, or that's what my father says. I guess he was right going off your words."

Drakai nodded. "I believe your father is right. In thanks to you teaching me, I will use my full physical strength to defeat you."

"So plan on using your dolor-tas now. Good, I want to see how fast that blade can move!" Ven got in a defensive stance.

"No, I'm not going to use my dolor-tas," Drakai said as he got in a defensive stance as well.

Ven had a puzzled look on his face. "Huh?"

Drakais muscles started to bulge, and his veins popped up against his skin. His eyes went bloodshot and began to glow like torches. Drakais bloodlust started to pour out of him.

His feet left the ground as he sped at Ven in the next moment. The last thing Ven remembered was

Drakais eyes glowing brighter than he had seen before, and then he couldn't stand anymore. And a deep fear settled inside him.

The referee walked up on the stand and wiped the sweat off his face. "Drakai is the winner of this match!"