
Drakai was still up when Danya woke him up for their early morning sparing. But he pretended to be asleep as to not make her angry for going against what she told him to do. He liked her better when she wasn't angry or in a state of rage.

He had learned his lesson a long time ago when she went on a 1-hour rant when he failed to come to a morning sparing session. After that long and drawn-out argument, Drakai had just decided to humor her. It was easier for him in the long run.

"Oi, get up. I thought I said to be ready!" Danya walked into the room and loomed over drakais bed.

"I am up; I was waiting for you since you know the best locations to train away from prying eyes." Drakai rolled over to look at her.

"Oh, that's good, then let's go. I have some stuff I want to test out magic-wise!"

Drakai had no words to speak, so he simply didn't; in the eldrasie culture silence, was greatly appreciated at the correct times. It was ironic because the eldrasie people were also one of the loudest races.

Following Danya, she led him out of the castle and underneath the starlit sky. Two ripe fat moons hung in the air, one the same color as honey and the other green and blue. They walked for a while, and they came to a tunnel that went underground.

Danya had found it a couple of weeks back and explored it in her free time; usually, they had to wake up very early and go out of the city into the forest that surrounded the city. That was a massive chore because of the massive size of the city.

"Down here, I have been scoping it out for a while. It goes pretty deep, and then it stops and just keeps going forward." She spoke in a hushed voice. Even though it was morning, the guards that patrolled the streets were still very keen on hearing. And Danya didn't want to risk it.

"This is good. This means that we won't have to find somewhere else every single week! Did you find an open room? Fighting in a tunnel might get a little hard over time." Drakai was worried about the space. To full-grown eldrasie fighting in a small place didn't bode well with him.

"Don't worry about it. I already found a small room that had some big rats in it. They were an easy kill, and I think that was the most of the creatures that were down there." She said with a smirk.

Drakai nodded. "That's good; fighting in a small space didn't feel right to me; we could make the place collapse on us."

After that, they made their way down into the tunnel. Drakai trusted Danya, and he followed her closely. Eventually, they made their way to a bigger-sized room. It had chains on the wall and runic lines everywhere.

Drakai didn't notice the lines until they were in the middle of the room; his arm shot out and grabbed Danya. He pulled her close to him and held her tight.

"W-what are you doing!" Her face had turned a violent shade of red.

"Be quiet, Don't move, don't speak." The look on drakais face told her that he was not pulling a prank, and he was worried.

"Danya, are you stupid? Do you not see all the lines on the floor and the fucking chains on the walls? This place is a fucking prison! And it looks like It was made to keep mages from getting out."

Drakais's face looked scary to Danya; the last time she had seen him angry like this, one of the trannies lost his arm that day.

She got mad."It's not like that is my fault; I would know about this stuff you ever let me look at your books." She said in a harsh whisper. Some tears started to well up. She was frustrated; her father had forbidden drakai from sharing the book with his daughter.

Sighing, drakai looked up into her eyes. "I am well aware, but you should also have more common sense than this! You are the princess. It doesn't matter if you haven't read the same books as me. When we go out into the world, you could die over a mistake like this."

Signing to himself, Drakai let go of danya and pointed to the far wall. "Go over there, for a sec."

Danya frowned. She didn't like being told what to do but, she listened to drakai. She knew that he changed a lot when he was angry from the cool-headed man to a raging lunatic. When Danya brought this up to her father, he said it was typical for male eldrasie and especially for Aura users.

That's why eldrasie men put so much effort into controlling themselves.

He told her it had to do with their ancestors having to face monster after monster and hardship after hardship. When the Eldrasei people were nomads, the men were the first line of defense and always took the brunt of any attack.

It was their duty as men to protect their women and children. But the rough life changed their brains forever, slowly changing their nerve endings so they reacted faster. So they were quick to think and just as fast to fly into a rage.

Drakai closed his eyes, and his hand started to glow, pulsing with black energy.

"YOU CAN DO MAGIC TOO?" Danya was instantly pissed because he had not told her about it. She started to walk forward but instantly stopped when she saw his bloodshot eyes.

Slamming his hand into the ground, where the ground broke a little. His energy started to steep into the ground. The whole room shook, and the lines started to glow, but just a quickly as they lit up, they went back to being normal.

Sighing In relief, Drakai stood up. "I think we are fine, it didn't react to my full magical presence, so I think we can trai-"

Drakai was about to finish his sentence when he felt a weird sensation. Looking down, he saw a massive gash along his stomach and even saw some of his intestines trying to escape from his body.

"What the fuck?"