Meeting The Father

"Young Miss, Master Rymerton ordered me to call you"

Athasia paused and observed the maid, who called her. She can already feel the tension in the atmosphere.

"Where's father?"

The maid bowed her head. "In his study room" she waited for Athasia to dismiss her, but to her surprise, the Young Miss just smiled at her and passed by, with Benson behind.

Littleyoonie knew that room very well. In her novel, it was the place Athasia hated the most. She fears even just by standing behind the door.

But now, everything will change. She clenched her fist and walked with a light heart. Whatever his father will do, it will never reach her.

That's what she said to herself.

"Young Miss," Benson grabbed the knob for her, but before opening it, he gazed at Athasia with such comforting eyes. "Do you want me to accompany you?" he asked.

Athasia shook her head. "No need," she replied. "Go back, I will go inside on my own.."

Although, instead of walking away and leaving, Benson stepped aside and stood beside the door. He bowed his head and told the Young Miss that he'll going to wait.

Athasia opened the door and entered inside.

Big window behind those thin curtains. A tree beside the glass, reflecting the birds perching on the tree. Rows of bookshelves with arranged books. Soft mat carpet all the way to the desk in the middle of the room.

In front of that desk was a man in his 40s. He had these emotionless amethyst eyes, looking straight at his daughter like he's already waiting for her. Quite broad shoulders and ivory tanned skin. Wearing a black suit with two untucked buttons.

His body physique was well maintained for his age.

He is Alexis Rymerton. The Master of this house, Athasia's father.

The Young Miss lifted the side of her school uniform and bowed her head. "Greetings, father.." she greeted him.

Alexis didn't change his emotions. He put the newspaper he's been reading on the desk and leaned closer, crossing his arms. "You just got home? Do you know what time it is?"

Athasia felt that cold and deep voice. As if he's asking her using his authority, not because he's a father.

"I apologized, I bumped into trouble by picking a fight with some rats from school.." she answered, very careless.

Alexis clenched his jaw and tried to lose the watch from his wrist. "And what did you do with those rats?" Unlike Athasia, his eyes were more dominant.

Athasia remained calm. She smiled cunningly and said. "The truth is, I'm planning on making it a pet, but I got unlucky and it sli—"


That rough and deep voice resounded in the room, making the Young Miss startled. When she looked back at her father. The files that were on the desk were now scattered everywhere.


Alexis slammed his hand on the desk. Clenching his jaws. "YOU THINK THIS IS FUNNY, ATHASIA?!"

Athasia felt the chills after hearing her name.

In the novel, the real Athasia will cry and kneel down. Begging for her father's forgiveness while completely getting ignored. Since Athasia was an outcast, his father only cared if she made mistakes.

"Why? You call me for that, right father?" Of course, she'll never be the weak one. Athasia raised her head and looked back at her father. "You called me because you wanted to point out my mistakes, right?" she added.

A slight smirk stretched her face. "It's my fault anyway.." she pointed the band aid on her cheeks. "Look father, I even got myself hurt because I am very stupid.." She emphasized the last word.

Alexis didn't even find it funny nor amusing. He picked something and threw it in the air. Luckily, all he got were the papers and folders left. "Do you know what mess you made?! You dare damaged my reputation by using my surname?!" he yelled.

The Young Miss bent down and picked up everything one by one as if she heard nothing.


Her hands trembled, and she clenched the last paper on the floor. Athasia paused, gulping the heavy feeling that suddenly jolted inside her the moment she heard those words.

'Useless huh..' she thought.

There's no use in explaining what happened and her side since her father would not believe her. Even if she cried and apologized so many times like the real Athasia did, things won't change, so it doesn't matter.

Why did she make this character, though? Littleyoonie can just make another character for Alexis. She can make him a good and loving father in her novel.

There's only one thing in her mind while writing this scene.

It's because her father abandoned her and she hated him so much.

Once again, Athasia tried to make a straight face. This is a novel, not a real world, so she needed to hold back.

She placed the documents on the desk and faced her father. "I appreciate the compliment, father.." her voice was about to crack, but she held it well.

"But I will never apologize.."

That pride hit Alexis. He stood up and grabbed his hair. "Who taught you to disobey me, you brat?!" He exclaimed. "I will cut everything from here.."

Athasia raised one of her brows. "And then what? You're going to throw me away?" she released a prideful 'humph' .

"You can take anything from me, I don't care.." she leaned and put her palm on the desk, crumpling the documents she just picked earlier. "I will not beg for your attention anymore, do as you please.."

She turned around, hearing his father cursing her from behind. Athasia didn't look back, nor shot a quick glance.

She opened the door and surprised Benson, who indeed waited for her. She walked in heavy footsteps in the hallways.

"Young Miss!" Benson called out, catching her pace.

Athasia halted. She turned her back. "Benson, find me a part-time job…" she ordered.