I'm Not Hitting On You!

'What the heck is he doing here?!'

Athasia yelled in her mind. She should be buying her favorite seafood instant noodles and enjoying it on the table near the glass wall. She should be full by now, but all of those thoughts shattered into pieces upon seeing Max.

Another disaster!

Of course, she'll never give up. Athasia tugged her hood up to cover her face, then she immediately picked the food she wanted. Instead of eating it in the convenience store, she has decided to just devour it at home.

There were other customers lining up at the cashier. Luckily, she was meters away from the male lead. She lowered her head while secretly glancing at Max.

Her eyebrows furrowed. "Why hasn't he left yet?" she whispered to herself. 'I just want a quiet night,' she mumbled.

Finally, Max walked towards the door while talking to one of the convenience store clerks. He kept on looking at his phone as if he's checking something.

'If you're busy, then just leave..Geez! I don't want to see you.' Athasia mumbled to herself again, glaring at Max.

She's too busy that the customer next to her needs to push her to realize that it's her turn. Athasia apologized and let the cashier punch what she bought.

When they settled the price, the cashier asked her if she wanted to pay it in cash or card.

Athasia rummaged through her pocket. She did it for almost a minute, then she smiled back at the cashier.

"I didn't bring anything.." she nervously said.

The cashier looked at her suspiciously. "But I already punched it. Miss," she said, devastated. The other customers lining behind Athasia get intrigued why they're taking so long.

"Hey, are you dumb? Why did you buy that if you don't have money?"

"Yeah, hurry..We're waiting here.."

Athasia gulped, feeling the embarrassment. She just wants the ground to open up and swallow her whole. "I'm really s-sorry! C-Can you w-wait me h-here? I forgot my wallet at home.."

The customer behind her back clicked her tongue. She was an old woman and from the looks of it, her back was almost hurting from standing in line. "What do you think you're doing? Do you really have money? You look very suspicious.." she nagged the cashier. "You should call the police."

"P-P-Police?!" Athasia panicked. "W-Wait! This is a misunderstanding! I really forgot my wallet at home. I'm not a thief, believe me!" she exclaimed, waving her hands in the air.

The other customers started to complain and tried to pursue the cashier to call the police.

"What happened here?"

That deep but pleasant voice shut up everyone. A tall, young, handsome man appeared in front of them. Of course, Max will not let a small commotion slide. His father ordered him to monitor the branches of the companies they're investing in.

Their family was the number one investor of this establishment. That's why he's here.

As soon as he heard the minor disturbance, he immediately stepped in.

Max found this mysterious girl in a gray hood, covering her face with her shaking voice. She thought that she's an elementary student because her voice was nice and cute. As soon as he stood there, he realized that she was up to his shoulders.

"Sorry for bothering you, sir.." the cashier bowed her head to Max. "This young lady over here bought this without even realizing that she had no money with her.." she explained.

Max shifted his gaze to the young lady, who's lowering her head from embarrassment. "Are you an idiot?" he asked.

As soon as Athasia heard that, she immediately cracked like a stone. The nerves on her temples popped out as she clenched her fist. It's good that she's still wearing her hood, or else Max will see how irritated she is.

'Who are you calling an idiot?' she thought.

Max had no time to wait for an answer. As his father's proxy, he needed to act professional. He took out his black card from the side of his coat. "How much is it?" he asked, handing it to the cashier.

Seeing his black card, everyone in the store bawled their eyes and was left in agape, except Athasia, who's wishing to bury herself right now.

The cashier took the black card with her trembling hands and swiped it at the small machine near the monitor. She put everything in a paper bag and smiled. "T-Thank you f-for your patronage.."

Max took his card back and stared at the young lady. "What are you doing? Take it and hurry.." he said before walking away.

Athasia jolted and grabbed the paper bag. She said thanks to the cashier and walked out. Running to where Max was going.

The night was a bit chilly, so her breaths were heavier than normal. She ran and called the young man. "W-Wait! Wait a minute!" she yelled.

Max was about to open the door of his black car when he saw the lady waving at him. He drove alone since he didn't want to depend on his driver that much.

His arched eyebrows frown and a glint of coldness escaped his pure obsidian eyes. He had no time to deal with strangers. His time was gold, and it's not his problem if the lady had no money with her.

"S-Stay right there! Maximilian Svestin!"

Max flinched, loosening his grip on the car door handle. 'How did she know me?' he thought, looking back at the young lady.

Athasia managed to reach him. They were now one meter from each other. She took a deep breath and faced the handsome man. "W-Why d-did you do that?" she asked.

Max was taken aback. "What?"

Athasia stretched her arms, the one with the paper bag. "Here, take this..I don't need any help from you and besides, I didn't ask you to pay for me. I apologize if I cause you trouble.." she bowed her head.

Max lifted his wrist and checked the time from his watch. "Is that all you got to say?" he asked.

Athasia nodded her head. "Yes, so please take these. I don't ne—Hey! Where are you going?!" She dashed right away when Max got in his car and closed the door. Ignoring her completely.

She tapped the car window. "Hey! I'm still talking! You brat!" she yelled.

The car window slid down. She once again met the handsome face of her male lead.

Max leaned his back and didn't even look at her. His eyes remained in font. "I didn't know what your true motives were, but I will not waste my time on you. Go home" he clicked his tongue and pushed the button, getting the windows up.

"Ladies these days are so bold," he whispered.

His last words struck Athasia. Her hood was still on her head, so probably Max didn't recognize her.

She froze there and watched the black car disappear from her sight. Athasia almost crumpled the paper bag in so much anger.

"Maximilian Svestin!! I will sue you!!" she screamed.