A Threat To Athasia?

The water splashed on her face and she looked at her own reflection. She brushed up the threads of her hair blocking her eyes. And that amethyst eyes glint in indifference.

Though it suddenly disappeared when another female entered the bathroom.

"Are you alright? Here, I brought your bag." Linlin showed a sad face. 

Athasia took her bag and rummaged through the contents. She brought an extra shirt so it's fine. "Don't worry about me. I didn't know that the other students were cleaning there. I accidentally slipped." 

"But they should apologize to you. Did they?" Linlin peeked beside her head.

The young miss nodded. "Of course, they apologized. TThough you don't need to get bothered. It's partly my fault."

The female circling around her leaned on the sink while Athasia changed her clothes. "Did you eat your lunch?"