Let's Make A Deal

"How long are you going to drag me away from my classroom?" 

Olivia crossed her arms, nearly raising her eyebrow. He stopped from walking and watched Athasia pivot to her. Their gazes meet and she swear, if the young miss spit nonsense she will immediately walk away.

"I guess this place is okay to tell you." Athasia looked around. They were near the canteen. "But shall we find a place to sit down first? I don't want to talk to you standing here." 

Olivia agreed and they entered the canteen. There were fewer students there and some couldn't help but glance at them. She broke the silence when both of them faced each other.

"What do you want to tell me about Max?"

Even though her expression was serious, littleyoonie can see her imaginary tail wagging behind. She cleared her throat and went straight to the point.

"Let's make a deal."

Olivia nearly choked. "What?" her frown deepened. "What deal are you talking about?"