The Date


"Vincent! I'm here!"

She cheerfully waved her hands to the walking guy towards her pace. He dashed right to her as soon as their eyes met. She stands out with her purple dress and white sandals. A small black shoulder bag around her with her hair tied upwards.

Vincent was quickly captivated by that sweet smile on her pink lips.

"Am I too early? I'm sorry, I even told you to not fetch me from home." She said,

Vincent suddenly felt shy. He wore his best today but it seemed like he's no match for her at all. A black long sleeve polo rolled to his elbows paired with blak pants. He styled his hair a little but it still remained smooth and fluffy, giving an alluring look whenever you will gaze at his green gentle eyes. 

Athasia leaned forward. "What's wrong? Are you alright?" She asked.

Vincent shook his head. "Yes, just nervous." He replied.

'He is so cute. I want to pinch his cheeks.' Littleyoonie thought.