What ifs

When Athasia opened her eyes, she was already in a clinic tent. She moved her hands and stretched them out. 

'How did I get here?' she mumbled in her thoughts. She remembered that she fell asleep while waiting with Max.

Her eyes widened and she looked around. "How about him?" Besides from the shadows passing through the small space of the tent, there was no one around but her. Athasia tried to move her legs and reached the edge of the bed.

Dizziness started to crawl all over her system striking her temples which made her winced. She clenched her fist and grabbed the side of the bed while using her other hand to massage her forehead.

Now that she's fully awake, her body feels hot. Like she's going to have a fever. Athasia slowly pushed herself and saw her shoes on the left side of the bed. She supported her back and put on her shoes.