Chapter 5- A new leader, and I think one of the family heads fell in love with me

—_—PaCkAgEs HaVe BeEn ReCeIvEd. InBoUnD fOr TrAnSpOrTaTiOn.




Good, it's time for them to accept their new leader. As for those who don't, will be put in there place. I don't have time for insubordination. I need backup to do what I plan on doing later on.

(Yes readers, this is intentional. I don't want to spoil the big surprise. But if you pay close attention, I'll be leaving certain clues in the chapters.)

"You ready Mr. Lazarus? Things might get a little trippy."

"Ha. Don't worry about me. after what I've seen you do, nothing will surprise anymore."

"If you say so."

Alright me's. Bring them in.


Suddenly, what looks like 4 little black holes, appear in the seats where the other family heads sit. These "black holes" start expanding exponentially quickly as suddenly 2 men, and 2 women appear on opposite sides of the table.(Oh, and in case you were wondering, the table is one of those long rectangular tables where there are chairs lining both sides of the table, and one at the had, which has been unfilled since the beginning, until now, where the MC is sitting.)

To the left of me, there are two men. The one closest to me, is who I presume the head of the Phoenix family, which makes the other one the head of the Morningstar family. How do I know this, do you ask?. Well the Phoenix head's hair seems to be almost alive, it's volcanic red, and it's radiating heat off of it. You tell me. The other one on the other hand looks well, devilishly handsome. He's wearing a black set of business attire, with not a speck of dirt anywhere. Now to my right are the two family heads. The one furthest from me is radiating so much light, that I automatically knew that she was the head of the Leviticus family, which made the oriental Japanese woman closest to me the head of the Lotus family. With a wave of my hand, the 5 clones disappear, and Mr. Lazarus proceeds to sit down next to the head of the Morningstar family.

"Ehem. Before you all try to kill me and fail miserably, I am the one who had the meeting called."

For the next hour I continue talking to them about my talk that had with Mr. Lazarus, and I told them about the plan that I had.

After I finished, suddenly out of nowhere, the family heads all say at once,

"That's preposterous. You can't seriously think that that plan will work. It's impossible. Even with your power level being that of a monarch, there are two many of them. You would only fail."

"Then how about I prove it to you. Why don't you bring me to the rift that's been giving you guys a problem for the past 25 years. You can spectate me clearing it by myself. I haven't fought anything yet, so this will be a great way for me to get some practice in, so that I know how to fight better. Will that be enough for you?"

In unison they all respond with a simple word, "Yes."

"Ok, then. In one week, we will meet there together. Until then, you must do that which I asked of you, and if it fails, you can just cover it up with ease. Sounds fair, Ms. Lotus?"

"Yes, that is fair."

"Good, now there's one last matter. I don't like referring to you guys by your last name, as we are equals. So go around the room and tell me your name.

"Fenrir Phoenix."

"Joseph Morningstar."

"Jonathan Lazarus."

"Leslie Leviticus."

"Ayaka Lotus."

"Thank you. From now on, I will be referring to you by your first name, so that it's easier for me(and for you guys, lol.) You all may go now. I will see you all in one week."

And with a wave of my hand, the clones reappear, grab them all, and bring them back home.

Things definitely just got easier. Now i need to go hit up a shit ton of dungeons, so I have enough skills to take down the rift that's been causing them problems.